1. | | Proving that Android’s, Java’s and Python’s sorting algorithm is broken (envisage-project.eu) |
608 points by amund on Feb 24, 2015 | 140 comments
2. | | Introducing Pebble Time (kickstarter.com) |
658 points by kenny_r on Feb 24, 2015 | 386 comments
3. | | GPG and Me (thoughtcrime.org) |
588 points by jashkenas on Feb 24, 2015 | 249 comments
4. | | How crazy am I to think I actually know where that Malaysia Airlines plane is? (nymag.com) |
548 points by danso on Feb 24, 2015 | 210 comments
5. | | Firefox 36.0 released (mozilla.org) |
368 points by Smibu on Feb 24, 2015 | 247 comments
6. | | Privacy is at a crossroads. Choose wisely (medium.com/yegg) |
299 points by edward on Feb 24, 2015 | 164 comments
7. | | Cities with High Salary to Cost of Living Ratios for Software Developers (tgeonetta.com) |
337 points by tgeo on Feb 24, 2015 | 262 comments
8. | | A Story About ‘Magic' (1994) (catb.org) |
232 points by ColinWright on Feb 24, 2015 | 60 comments
9. | | Origami – Design Prototyping (facebook.github.io) |
198 points by geekrax on Feb 24, 2015 | 24 comments
10. | | Authy is joining Twilio (authy.com) |
226 points by troydavis on Feb 24, 2015 | 66 comments
11. | | EFF Outlines Plan to Fix the Broken Patent System (eff.org) |
208 points by DiabloD3 on Feb 23, 2015 | 56 comments
12. | | The freelancer's guide to good jobs and great pay (thecreativeclass.io) |
191 points by 3stripe on Feb 24, 2015 | 96 comments
13. | | Intel forges ahead to 10nm, will move away from silicon at 7nm (arstechnica.com) |
197 points by 0xb0 on Feb 23, 2015 | 68 comments
14. | | CrowdMed: We've solved hundreds of the world's most difficult medical cases (crowdmed.com) |
161 points by luu on Feb 24, 2015 | 60 comments
15. | | Silicon Valley Could Learn a Lot From Skater Culture, Just Not Meritocracy (wired.com) |
165 points by wallflower on Feb 24, 2015 | 111 comments
16. | | Pyston 0.3: Self-hosting Sufficiency (pyston.org) |
127 points by kmod on Feb 24, 2015 | 54 comments
17. | | Early exposure 'cuts peanut allergy' by over 80% (bbc.co.uk) |
128 points by basisword on Feb 23, 2015 | 68 comments
18. | | Is Blockchain Really the Killer App? (joecoin.com) |
139 points by dlrush on Feb 24, 2015 | 97 comments
19. | | Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) (nytimes.com) |
133 points by _zhqs on Feb 24, 2015 | 31 comments
20. | | How to Build Your Distributed Database (citusdata.com) |
113 points by wwhchung on Feb 24, 2015 | 23 comments
21. | | 10Gbit/s full TX wirespeed smallest packet size on a single CPU core (netoptimizer.blogspot.com) |
107 points by eloycoto on Feb 24, 2015 | 13 comments
22. | | Unreal Engine 4.7 Released (unrealengine.com) |
188 points by Red_Tarsius on Feb 24, 2015 | 88 comments
23. | | I’ve Just Seen a (DNA-Generated) Face (nytimes.com) |
130 points by pepys on Feb 23, 2015 | 32 comments
24. | | Are we really running out of helium? (quora.com) |
216 points by caffeinewriter on Feb 24, 2015 | 121 comments
25. | | Photographing people on the edge of a skyscraper in San Francisco (vonwong.com) |
187 points by karenxcheng on Feb 24, 2015 | 75 comments
26. | | Mathematicians who died under unfortunate or unfitting circumstances (kellenmyers.org) |
92 points by GuiA on Feb 24, 2015 | 40 comments
27. | | What Happened with Lego: The price of a brick (therealityprose.wordpress.com) |
100 points by bmease on Feb 23, 2015 | 49 comments
28. | | Apache HBase 1.0 released (apache.org) |
78 points by fs111 on Feb 24, 2015 | 17 comments
29. | | Alaska on Tuesday Will Become Third State with Legal Marijuana (nbcnews.com) |
160 points by adamnemecek on Feb 24, 2015 | 83 comments
30. | | Game Theory Calls Cooperation into Question (scientificamerican.com) |
64 points by etr71115 on Feb 24, 2015 | 28 comments
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