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Stories from February 12, 2015
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1. Deleting any Facebook album (7xter.com)
506 points by compbio on Feb 12, 2015 | 97 comments
2. Show HN: Let's Chat, a self-hosted chat app for small teams (sdelements.github.io)
350 points by hhaidar on Feb 12, 2015 | 90 comments
3. 0h n0 – A new game from the makers of 0h h1 (0hn0.com)
345 points by m0rph3v5 on Feb 12, 2015 | 91 comments
4. Enough's enough: Contract teaching at a Canadian University (medium.com/andrewr_physics)
358 points by nous on Feb 11, 2015 | 177 comments
5. How Chris McCandless Died: An Update (newyorker.com)
311 points by bkudria on Feb 11, 2015 | 78 comments
6. Rat Park (wikipedia.org)
258 points by happyscrappy on Feb 12, 2015 | 70 comments
7. Memrefuting (scottaaronson.com)
178 points by wglb on Feb 12, 2015 | 37 comments
8. Expedia Buys Orbitz for $1.6B in Cash (techcrunch.com)
161 points by frankacter on Feb 12, 2015 | 73 comments
9. Principal component analysis explained visually (setosa.io)
187 points by vicapow on Feb 12, 2015 | 22 comments
10. Lisp as the Maxwell Equations of Software (2012) (michaelnielsen.org)
196 points by jgrodziski on Feb 12, 2015 | 122 comments
11. Http2 explained (haxx.se)
180 points by antouank on Feb 12, 2015 | 65 comments
12. The Black Magic of Java Method Dispatch (shipilev.net)
130 points by luu on Feb 12, 2015 | 16 comments
13. A regular expression to check for prime numbers (noulakaz.net)
192 points by Moyamo on Feb 12, 2015 | 67 comments
14. Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, Not Places (lowtechmagazine.com)
146 points by stonlyb on Feb 11, 2015 | 92 comments
15. Dark Patterns: Inside the interfaces designed to trick you (theverge.com)
164 points by Evolved on Feb 11, 2015 | 44 comments
16. New Tesla battery could power your home, and maybe the electric grid too (washingtonpost.com)
288 points by Libertatea on Feb 12, 2015 | 251 comments
17. An Opinionated Clojure CQRS/ES Using Onyx, Datomic, DynamoDB, Kafka (yuppiechef.github.io)
111 points by CmdrDats on Feb 12, 2015 | 33 comments
18. Harvard and M.I.T. Sued Over Failing to Caption Online Courses (nytimes.com)
135 points by greenburger on Feb 12, 2015 | 298 comments
19. Apple's New Market (stratechery.com)
129 points by chmars on Feb 11, 2015 | 73 comments
20. How Canadian Spies Infiltrated the Internet's Core (vice.com)
114 points by sarahnaomi on Feb 11, 2015 | 15 comments
21. How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life (nytimes.com)
401 points by veeti on Feb 12, 2015 | 569 comments
22. An Introduction to the Central Limit Theorem (atomicobject.com)
97 points by StylifyYourBlog on Feb 12, 2015 | 29 comments
23. Japan's Oldest Businesses Have Survived for More Than 1,000 Years (theatlantic.com)
100 points by Thevet on Feb 12, 2015 | 51 comments
24. A blog engine written and proven in Coq (clarus.me)
185 points by jcurbo on Feb 12, 2015 | 58 comments
25. The Rewards of Creating a Programming Language (mikedrivendevelopment.blogspot.com)
148 points by StylifyYourBlog on Feb 12, 2015 | 87 comments
26. Grafana 2.0 Alpha (grafana.org)
111 points by louis-paul on Feb 12, 2015 | 29 comments
27. GoJS: Interactive Diagrams for the Web (gojs.net)
92 points by luu on Feb 11, 2015 | 23 comments
28. An Introduction on How to Make Beautiful Charts with R and ggplot2 (minimaxir.com)
87 points by minimaxir on Feb 12, 2015 | 19 comments
29. GnuPG 2.1.2 released (gnupg.org)
188 points by Sami_Lehtinen on Feb 12, 2015 | 28 comments
30. How HHVM Uses Modern C++ for Fun and Profit (2014) [video] (youtube.com)
73 points by StylifyYourBlog on Feb 11, 2015 | 48 comments

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