1. | | Rolling your own CDN for $25 in 1 hour (scalescale.com) |
324 points by mxpxrocks10 on July 27, 2014 | 89 comments
2. | | The TTY demystified (linusakesson.net) |
218 points by luu on July 27, 2014 | 21 comments
3. | | A Russian scientist who was struck by a particle accelerator beam (wikipedia.org) |
172 points by thisjepisje on July 27, 2014 | 30 comments
4. | | Rand Paul introduces bill to reform civil asset forfeiture (washingtonpost.com) |
163 points by lsh123 on July 27, 2014 | 60 comments
5. | | Government Surveillance and Internet Search Behavior (ssrn.com) |
151 points by mo on July 27, 2014 | 28 comments
6. | | U.K. National Grid status (templar.co.uk) |
138 points by cormullion on July 27, 2014 | 55 comments
7. | | Stingray, the fake cell phone tower (extremetech.com) |
137 points by jonbaer on July 27, 2014 | 85 comments
8. | | You Are Not Late (medium.com/message) |
134 points by applecore on July 27, 2014 | 46 comments
9. | | Evolutionary algorithms and analog electronic circuits (hforsten.com) |
135 points by luu on July 27, 2014 | 53 comments
10. | | X64_dbg: An open-source x64/x86 debugger for Windows (x64dbg.com) |
133 points by dgavrilov on July 27, 2014 | 42 comments
11. | | Parsing PHP in Go (stephensearles.com) |
143 points by codezero on July 27, 2014 | 38 comments
12. | | The Majority of Today’s App Businesses Are Not Sustainable (techcrunch.com) |
130 points by uladzislau on July 27, 2014 | 85 comments
13. | | Employment rates for STEM Ph.D.s are down or stagnant across the board (slate.com) |
120 points by luu on July 27, 2014 | 112 comments
14. | | Aerospike goes Open Source (aerospike.com) |
123 points by ZenoArrow on July 27, 2014 | 84 comments
15. | | Quantum gas goes below absolute zero (nature.com) |
117 points by thisjepisje on July 27, 2014 | 36 comments
16. | | Jarvis: Personal assistant via SMS (jarv.co) |
114 points by filleokus on July 27, 2014 | 99 comments
17. | | Tracking two years of laptop battery use, sampled every minute (ifweassume.com) |
113 points by davidbarker on July 27, 2014 | 35 comments
18. | | Hold the Phone: A Big-Data Conundrum (nytimes.com) |
111 points by walterbell on July 27, 2014 | 60 comments
19. | | Black holes might end their lives by transforming into their exact opposite (nature.com) |
111 points by pps on July 27, 2014 | 42 comments
20. | | Messages in the Deep – The Story of the Underwater Internet (builtvisible.com) |
99 points by jonbaer on July 27, 2014 | 27 comments
21. | | Billion-Dollar Billy Beane (fivethirtyeight.com) |
87 points by jsnell on July 27, 2014 | 34 comments
22. | | [dupe] Lawsuit Filed to Prove Happy Birthday Is in the Public Domain (2013) (techdirt.com) |
84 points by mpweiher on July 27, 2014 | 17 comments
23. | | In Search for Killer, DNA Sweep Exposes Intimate Family Secrets in Italy (nytimes.com) |
80 points by eruditely on July 27, 2014 | 43 comments
24. | | Acrobat Reader for Linux removed (adobe.com) |
78 points by decafbad on July 27, 2014 | 91 comments
25. | | Show HN: Webhook – Static site generator with a CMS (webhook.com) |
78 points by snide on July 27, 2014 | 16 comments
26. | | High Intensity Training Improves Health, Physical Function in Middle Aged Adults (nih.gov) |
72 points by doorhammer on July 27, 2014 | 24 comments
27. | | Paris syndrome (wikipedia.org) |
74 points by ejr on July 27, 2014 | 70 comments
28. | | Python Multiple Assignment Is a Puzzle (jw2013.github.io) |
62 points by jw2013 on July 27, 2014 | 35 comments
29. | | Why Killing Cash is Key to MasterCard’s Competitive Strategy (upenn.edu) |
61 points by bavcyc on July 27, 2014 | 76 comments
30. | | With immigration reform off the agenda, some in tech turn to plan B (washingtonpost.com) |
66 points by haydenlee on July 27, 2014 | 58 comments
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