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Stories from November 15, 2013
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1. Winning at Candy Crush (stavros.io)
409 points by sokratisp on Nov 15, 2013 | 144 comments
2. Wikileaks publishes 500k new Stratfor emails (wikileaks.org)
366 points by dmix on Nov 15, 2013 | 177 comments
3. Jeremy Hammond sentenced to 10 years for Stratfor leak (theguardian.com)
342 points by callum85 on Nov 15, 2013 | 237 comments
4. How I Learned to Work a Room (onethingnew.com)
310 points by orjan on Nov 15, 2013 | 72 comments
5. Why the tech press is ignoring Zulily's huge IPO (cnn.com)
268 points by jmduke on Nov 15, 2013 | 109 comments
6. Terminal Cornucopia (terminalcornucopia.com)
252 points by Amadou on Nov 15, 2013 | 108 comments
7. PS4 UX is powered by WebGL (plus.google.com)
259 points by sciwiz on Nov 15, 2013 | 150 comments
8. The Wallaby Card (walla.by)
254 points by theuri on Nov 15, 2013 | 177 comments
9. Show HN: Gitter – Chat for GitHub (gitter.im)
243 points by mydigitalself on Nov 15, 2013 | 109 comments
10. Microsoft's dystopian pitch for remote work (37signals.com)
227 points by ph0rque on Nov 15, 2013 | 146 comments
11. The craziest date ever (salon.com)
224 points by architgupta on Nov 15, 2013 | 126 comments
12. Twitter Bootstrap without all the debt (coderwall.com)
197 points by kissgyorgy on Nov 15, 2013 | 71 comments
13. ZeroMQ is just sockets (zeromq.org)
201 points by bmaeser on Nov 15, 2013 | 75 comments
14. [dupe] Why Silicon Valley Funds Instagrams, Not Hyperloops (pathfinderapp.co)
181 points by Bahamut on Nov 15, 2013 | 162 comments
15. My tmux setup (unwiredcouch.com)
183 points by rustledjimmies on Nov 15, 2013 | 97 comments
16. RocksDB – A persistent key-value store for fast storage environments (rocksdb.org)
196 points by MadeInSyria on Nov 15, 2013 | 72 comments
17. Process videos in browser using FFmpeg compiled to JavaScript (bgrins.github.io)
165 points by pkorzeniewski on Nov 15, 2013 | 49 comments
18. Woman Facing $3,500 Fine For Posting Online Review (popehat.com)
154 points by cdodd on Nov 15, 2013 | 46 comments
19. Facebook puts bounties on bugs in the D programming language implementation (dlang.org)
158 points by andralex on Nov 15, 2013 | 97 comments
20. Qubit survives record 39 minutes at room temperature (cbc.ca)
145 points by parondea on Nov 15, 2013 | 21 comments
21. Internet architects propose encrypting all the world's web traffic (wired.co.uk)
146 points by prateekj on Nov 15, 2013 | 31 comments
22. Node.js Stream Playground (ejohn.org)
130 points by jeresig on Nov 15, 2013 | 15 comments
23. Bitcoin Companies and Entrepreneurs Can't Get Bank Accounts (forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill)
120 points by mrb on Nov 15, 2013 | 85 comments
24. Google Play Music on the App Store (itunes.apple.com)
119 points by mikeevans on Nov 15, 2013 | 112 comments
25. Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet App Gets Axed From iOS App Store (bitcoinblogger.com)
113 points by clamprecht on Nov 15, 2013 | 70 comments
26. Why GitHub is not your CV (jcoglan.com)
107 points by nephics on Nov 15, 2013 | 129 comments
27. Microsoft ‘Mortally Wounds’ SHA-1 (gerv.net)
105 points by andrewaylett on Nov 15, 2013 | 67 comments
28. Women's magazines ignore technology and demean women (theguardian.com)
97 points by tchalla on Nov 15, 2013 | 117 comments
29. PeerServer: A Server in a Browser with WebRTC (peer-server.com)
100 points by bawllz on Nov 15, 2013 | 25 comments
30. Time lapse of all nuclear exlosions from 1945 - 1998 (memolition.com)
100 points by Bhel on Nov 15, 2013 | 28 comments

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