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Stories from August 14, 2012
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1. Khan Academy: Computer Science (khanacademy.org)
336 points by johns on Aug 14, 2012 | 54 comments
2. United Airlines Lost My Friend's 10 Year Old Daughter And Didn't Care (bobsutton.typepad.com)
242 points by Brajeshwar on Aug 14, 2012 | 188 comments
3. Thoughts on being a programmer (yelsew.com)
235 points by earnubs on Aug 14, 2012 | 190 comments
4. Anic - Faster than C, Safer than Java, Simpler than *sh (code.google.com)
223 points by ColinWright on Aug 14, 2012 | 145 comments
5. What My Son's Disabilities Taught Me About 'Having It All' (theatlantic.com)
222 points by twakefield on Aug 14, 2012 | 85 comments
6. Rich Hickey: The Value of Values (infoq.com)
186 points by dmuino on Aug 14, 2012 | 42 comments
7. Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 2 (360cities.net)
185 points by Plnt on Aug 14, 2012 | 81 comments
8. Uber Boston Has Been Served (uber.com)
158 points by sudonim on Aug 14, 2012 | 133 comments
9. The Mystery of the Encrypted Gauss Payload (securelist.com)
157 points by jgrahamc on Aug 14, 2012 | 44 comments
10. Samwers Clone Stripe (paymill.de)
151 points by themichael on Aug 14, 2012 | 163 comments
11. The money part of App.net is a red herring (alexhillman.com)
149 points by alexknowshtml on Aug 14, 2012 | 98 comments
12. Pixel Perfect (daringfireball.net)
143 points by olivercameron on Aug 14, 2012 | 135 comments
13. Saylor Foundation: Computer Science (saylor.org)
139 points by ekm2 on Aug 14, 2012 | 44 comments
14. GNU Emacs ported to Android (play.google.com)
131 points by cycojesus on Aug 14, 2012 | 44 comments
15. 1and1 ask for passwords over the phone (tim-rogers.co.uk)
129 points by timrogers on Aug 14, 2012 | 86 comments
16. DoubleRobotics: Telepresence gets sexy (and made in the USA) (venturebeat.com)
128 points by Undertow10 on Aug 14, 2012 | 49 comments
17. ARM Goes 64-bit (realworldtech.com)
123 points by enos_feedler on Aug 14, 2012 | 60 comments
18. The Obvious Corp's preview of Medium (medium.com/p)
123 points by bitsweet on Aug 14, 2012 | 63 comments
19. Arch Linux to migrate to Systemd (archlinux.org)
120 points by g-garron on Aug 14, 2012 | 125 comments
20. Science Exchange Reproducibility Initiative (reproducibilityinitiative.org)
113 points by abbottry on Aug 14, 2012 | 35 comments
21. Authors destroy legal e-book lending site thanks to Authors Guild, publisher FUD (extremetech.com)
103 points by evo_9 on Aug 14, 2012 | 87 comments
22. CloudFlare helps save Wikileaks' bacon (techcrunch.com)
101 points by jgrahamc on Aug 14, 2012 | 41 comments
23. Improving HTTPS Performance with Early SSL Termination (filepicker.io)
97 points by tagx on Aug 14, 2012 | 59 comments
24. JRE & JDK now available to OS X developers (oracle.com)
91 points by Braasch on Aug 14, 2012 | 32 comments
25. Plivo makes it to 50 countries in 30 days, outstrips competition (venturebeat.com)
88 points by yabbadabbadoo on Aug 14, 2012 | 45 comments
26. Haskell Is Exceptionally Unsafe (existentialtype.wordpress.com)
86 points by johndcook on Aug 14, 2012 | 50 comments
27. Coco Controller (YC S12) Will Turn Your iPhone Into A Gaming Powerhouse (techcrunch.com)
83 points by anandkulkarni on Aug 14, 2012 | 45 comments
28. Mozilla removes -moz-opacity; man threatens to sue for $18,000 (bugzilla.mozilla.org)
81 points by pavel_lishin on Aug 14, 2012 | 60 comments
29. Show HN: Deadman.io - a digital dead man's switch (deadman.io)
76 points by m3ntat on Aug 14, 2012 | 51 comments
30. The Science of Serif vs Sans Serif Type (alexpoole.info)
75 points by idan on Aug 14, 2012 | 16 comments

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