1. | | Paul Graham's Letter to YC Companies |
645 points by emilepetrone on June 5, 2012 | 185 comments
2. | | Kids should be building rockets and robots, not taking standardized tests (slate.com) |
526 points by krschultz on June 5, 2012 | 196 comments
3. | | Salt, We Misjudged You (nytimes.com) |
314 points by gruseom on June 5, 2012 | 158 comments
4. | | Loading half a billion rows into MySQL (derwiki.tumblr.com) |
295 points by conesus on June 5, 2012 | 99 comments
5. | | On{X}: The Coolest Thing to Happen to Android. Courtesy of… Microsoft Israel? (techcrunch.com) |
252 points by cenanozen on June 5, 2012 | 99 comments
6. | | Why Diablo 3 is less addictive than Diablo 2: a scientific explanation (alexc.me) |
222 points by alex_c on June 5, 2012 | 192 comments
7. | | Gmail security warnings for suspected state-sponsored attacks (googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com) |
226 points by alecbenzer on June 5, 2012 | 111 comments
8. | | The Tesla Gun (hackerfriendly.com) |
221 points by lelf on June 5, 2012 | 29 comments
9. | | Fred Wilson's response to "Paul Graham's Letter to YC Companies" (avc.com) |
214 points by hendler on June 5, 2012 | 78 comments
10. | | The Critical Security Flaws that Resulted in Last Friday's Hack (cloudflare.com) |
189 points by neilwillgettoit on June 5, 2012 | 48 comments
11. | | Mathics - A free, light-weight alternative to Mathematica with support for Sage (mathics.org) |
189 points by clockwork_189 on June 5, 2012 | 57 comments
12. | | Google Street View: A wolf in sheep’s clothing (holovaty.com) |
183 points by martey on June 5, 2012 | 65 comments
13. | | Google Acquires Quickoffice (googleblog.blogspot.com) |
183 points by jganetsk on June 5, 2012 | 51 comments
14. | | What's it like to work at GitHub? (opensoul.org) |
172 points by bkeepers on June 5, 2012 | 36 comments
15. | | JQuery++ (jquerypp.com) |
166 points by marcloney on June 5, 2012 | 24 comments
16. | | New to Ruby? Tips for the new Rubyist. (jasimabasheer.com) |
155 points by kaiwren on June 5, 2012 | 64 comments
17. | | Ruby on Rails Tutorial screencasts, 2nd edition (railstutorial.org) |
152 points by mhartl on June 5, 2012 | 44 comments
18. | | Scaling PHP Book: I will teach you to scale PHP to millions of users (scalingphpbook.com) |
143 points by stevencorona on June 5, 2012 | 104 comments
19. | | Firefox 13 Released - Homepage + Speed Improvements (blog.mozilla.org) |
144 points by daleharvey on June 5, 2012 | 82 comments
20. | | Selling your company doesn’t make you happy (ryancarson.com) |
134 points by ryancarson on June 5, 2012 | 58 comments
21. | | Tim Berners-Lee: If I can't give power to web apps, they can't compete (w3.org) |
134 points by jorangreef on June 5, 2012 | 73 comments
22. | | How tiny insects survive the rain (bbc.co.uk) |
124 points by thinker on June 5, 2012 | 25 comments
23. | | Why I stopped working on the Bongard Problems (foundalis.com) |
107 points by bfrs on June 5, 2012 | 106 comments
24. | | The new way to land a job at Facebook (kaggle.com) |
103 points by svm33 on June 5, 2012 | 77 comments
25. | | Documents Show How Goldman et al Engaged in 'Naked Short Selling' (rollingstone.com) |
102 points by llambda on June 5, 2012 | 50 comments
26. | | Facebook 'boring'? 1 in 3 users are tuning it out (cnet.com) |
95 points by Garbage on June 5, 2012 | 99 comments
27. | | Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup - Class 17 - Deep Thought (blakemasters.tumblr.com) |
90 points by r4vik on June 5, 2012 | 12 comments
28. | | Justin Bieber, Venture Capitalist (forbes.com) |
86 points by Lednakashim on June 5, 2012 | 36 comments
29. | | San Francisco Tech Boom Brings Concerns (nytimes.com) |
86 points by olegious on June 5, 2012 | 64 comments
30. | | Signs a Claimed Mathematical Breakthrough is Wrong (2008) (scottaaronson.com) |
79 points by ColinWright on June 5, 2012 | 13 comments
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