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Stories from February 11, 2012
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1. Show HN: Themes for Bootstrap (wrapbootstrap.com)
354 points by coderdude on Feb 11, 2012 | 93 comments
2. Tor project needs volunteers to help Iranian users access the internet (torproject.org)
298 points by folz on Feb 11, 2012 | 48 comments
3. Coding tricks of game developers (dodgycoder.net)
241 points by damian2000 on Feb 11, 2012 | 65 comments
4. Podcasts for Hackers (designpepper.com)
197 points by joshuacc on Feb 11, 2012 | 74 comments
5. A "Moneyball" statician predicted Jeremy Lin's success 2 years ago (hoopsanalyst.com)
190 points by GBond on Feb 11, 2012 | 103 comments
6. It's 2012 and your kids have an iPhone - Do you know where they are? I do. (hanselman.com)
175 points by _kcn8 on Feb 11, 2012 | 41 comments
7. Using HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take screenshots (stackoverflow.com)
163 points by meow on Feb 11, 2012 | 11 comments
8. Hijack - iPhone Sensors Thru Audio Jack (seeedstudio.com)
160 points by J3L2404 on Feb 11, 2012 | 36 comments
9. Ron Conway is a Silicon Valley startup's best friend (cnn.com)
152 points by pg on Feb 11, 2012 | 22 comments
10. Acta protests: Thousands take to streets across Europe (bbc.co.uk)
152 points by Tim-Boss on Feb 11, 2012 | 12 comments
11. Code is indeed poetry: Van Gogh's Starry Night comes to Life (thenextweb.com)
134 points by davewingler on Feb 11, 2012 | 26 comments
12. Perpetual Window into Gmail (wired.com)
130 points by twentysix on Feb 11, 2012 | 30 comments
13. GUI Architectures (martinfowler.com)
123 points by huytoan_pc on Feb 11, 2012 | 23 comments
14. Where Tcl and Tk Went Wrong (dedasys.com)
120 points by m_for_monkey on Feb 11, 2012 | 77 comments
15. The Socratic Method: Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling (garlikov.com)
115 points by GeneralMaximus on Feb 11, 2012 | 24 comments
16. Big Cuts at Airy Labs, Ex-Employees Blame Management (techcrunch.com)
100 points by dwynings on Feb 11, 2012 | 77 comments
17. Texts Editor - True WYSIWYG Markdown (textseditor.com)
96 points by sheremetyev on Feb 11, 2012 | 50 comments
18. Car Dealers Wince at a Site to End Sales Haggling (nytimes.com)
96 points by robg on Feb 11, 2012 | 78 comments
19. Which is less expensive: Amazon or self-hosted? (gigaom.com)
70 points by oscar-the-horse on Feb 11, 2012 | 71 comments
20. STXXL: Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets (sourceforge.net)
67 points by wslh on Feb 11, 2012 | 5 comments
21. Logging consulting hours - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (anarchogeek.com)
69 points by rabble on Feb 11, 2012 | 20 comments
22. Don’t Call Me a Douchebag (techcrunch.com)
61 points by aorshan on Feb 11, 2012 | 18 comments
23. Simple SAT Solver in Haskell (gist.github.com)
57 points by gatlin on Feb 11, 2012 | 14 comments
24. AudioGL: 3D Modular Software Synthesizer & Sequencer (audiogl.com)
55 points by schrototo on Feb 11, 2012 | 20 comments
25. Free Range VHDL : Introduction to VHDL (pdf) (freerangefactory.org)
51 points by kqr2 on Feb 11, 2012 | 20 comments
26. Show HN: SWYM - Share what you make
50 points by revorad on Feb 11, 2012 | 27 comments
27. Pushing Files to the Browser Using Delivery.js, Socket.IO and Node.js (liamkaufman.com)
50 points by liamk on Feb 11, 2012 | 14 comments
28. How Go improves expressiveness without sacrificing performance (cheney.net)
49 points by luriel on Feb 11, 2012 | 17 comments
29. TRENDnet IP cameras acessible without authentication (console-cowboys.blogspot.com)
48 points by ranit8 on Feb 11, 2012 | 15 comments
30. Battery turns saltwater into drinking water (slashdot.org)
46 points by voodoochilo on Feb 11, 2012 | 8 comments

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