1. | | At work? Try this Hacker News homepage inspired by Node [SFW] (nowjs.com) |
581 points by ericz on March 31, 2011 | 97 comments
2. | | Angry Nerds (atlassian.com) |
572 points by kevinburke on March 31, 2011 | 41 comments
3. | | Solarized - Color scheme for vim, mutt, terminal emulators (ethanschoonover.com) |
496 points by lamnk on March 31, 2011 | 154 comments
4. | | Confirmed: Samsung is not shipping keyloggers (f-secure.com) |
448 points by illdave on March 31, 2011 | 76 comments
5. | | Why GNU grep is fast (freebsd.org) |
329 points by shawndumas on March 31, 2011 | 68 comments
6. | | Ask HN: Should we agree that this account will submit all Who is Hiring posts? |
294 points by whoishiring on March 31, 2011 | 46 comments
7. | | Pioneer Anomaly Solved By 1970s Computer Graphics Technique (technologyreview.com) |
218 points by _b8r0 on March 31, 2011 | 80 comments
8. | | Google Page Speed Online (googlelabs.com) |
165 points by abraham on March 31, 2011 | 38 comments
9. | | Data.gov & 7 Other Sites to Shut Down After Budgets Cut (readwriteweb.com) |
162 points by apievangelist on March 31, 2011 | 60 comments
10. | | A Collection of Examples of 64-bit Errors in Real Programs (intel.com) |
143 points by toni on March 31, 2011 | 30 comments
11. | | Apple’s boring hardware updates (marco.org) |
131 points by remi on March 31, 2011 | 60 comments
12. | | Urban Decay: Exploring an old abandoned particle collider facility (physicscentral.com) |
121 points by dstein on March 31, 2011 | 30 comments
13. | | Samsung blames security software false positive for StarLogger issue. (tgdaily.com) |
118 points by nickolai on March 31, 2011 | 52 comments
14. | | Twitter Kills The #Dickbar (techcrunch.com) |
115 points by pitdesi on March 31, 2011 | 56 comments
15. | | Poll: Do you work for "the Man"? |
114 points by Sukotto on March 31, 2011 | 86 comments
16. | | Google Inadvertently Classifies Google Places As A “Content Farm” (techcrunch.com) |
113 points by GVRV on March 31, 2011 | 16 comments
17. | | GoDaddy competitor offers discounted domain transfers to save elephants (namecheap.com) |
114 points by makeramen on March 31, 2011 | 52 comments
18. | | Vi Hart: Every school should replace calculus with recreational math (newscientist.com) |
112 points by RiderOfGiraffes on March 31, 2011 | 102 comments
19. | | NoSQL Databases: What, Why and When (ontwik.com) |
106 points by ahmicro on March 31, 2011 | 17 comments
20. | | jQuery 1.5.2 Released (jquery.com) |
104 points by wyday on March 31, 2011 | 8 comments
21. | | Gravity satellite yields 'Potato Earth' view (bbc.co.uk) |
103 points by JacobAldridge on March 31, 2011 | 16 comments
22. | | Entrepreneurship is an Art not a Job (steveblank.com) |
103 points by revorad on March 31, 2011 | 20 comments
23. | | A Quick Look at the Rust Programming Language (bluishcoder.co.nz) |
98 points by robin_reala on March 31, 2011 | 31 comments
24. | | Coffee Joulies: Kickstarter project keeps your coffee at the right temperature (kickstarter.com) |
94 points by tlrobinson on March 31, 2011 | 48 comments
25. | | Secret Space Plane Can’t Hide From Amateur Sleuths (wired.com) |
91 points by ph0rque on March 31, 2011 | 13 comments
26. | | Just When I Was Ready to Give AirBnB a Try (callmeed.posterous.com) |
89 points by callmeed on March 31, 2011 | 69 comments
27. | | How To Develop Ideas That Will Disrupt Your Industry (mashable.com) |
87 points by emmanuelory on March 31, 2011 | 28 comments
28. | | Steve Souders: Announcing the HTTP Archive (stevesouders.com) |
84 points by mcantelon on March 31, 2011 | 4 comments
29. | | Tesla sues Top Gear for libel re Roadster review (teslamotors.com) |
83 points by grannyg00se on March 31, 2011 | 64 comments
30. | | How to Build a Fast News Feed in Redis (and Rails) (waxman.me) |
78 points by waxman on March 31, 2011 | 10 comments
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