1. | | An Open Letter to Apple on the Readability App rejection (readability.com) |
478 points by bensummers on Feb 21, 2011 | 199 comments
2. | | Why nothing can go faster than the speed of light (reddit.com) |
431 points by danteembermage on Feb 21, 2011 | 222 comments
3. | | The Boy Who Stole Half-Life 2 (eurogamer.net) |
401 points by twidlit on Feb 21, 2011 | 125 comments
4. | | Show HN: Breakup Notifier (breakupnotifier.com) |
264 points by theli0nheart on Feb 21, 2011 | 118 comments
5. | | Homeowner forecloses on Wells Fargo office, becomes folk hero (agentgenius.com) |
256 points by gregory80 on Feb 21, 2011 | 122 comments
6. | | Changes to my life as a result of just four weeks of daily meditation (philosophistry.com) |
182 points by philipkd on Feb 21, 2011 | 94 comments
7. | | Redis at Disqus (bretthoerner.com) |
153 points by tswicegood on Feb 21, 2011 | 41 comments
8. | | The secret life of punctuation - ΒΆ (The Pilcrow) (shadycharacters.co.uk) |
148 points by dogonwheels on Feb 21, 2011 | 20 comments
9. | | Typical programming interview questions. (maxnoy.com) |
147 points by gaiusparx on Feb 21, 2011 | 107 comments
10. | | Microsoft confirms Kinect hackers to get official developer kit (pocket-lint.com) |
142 points by mjfern on Feb 21, 2011 | 37 comments
11. | | TinyGrab abandons iOS because of new App Store rules (tinygrab.com) |
142 points by st3fan on Feb 21, 2011 | 74 comments
12. | | Python 3.2 Released (python.org) |
142 points by mattyb on Feb 21, 2011 | 51 comments
13. | | PS3 Hacker Raised All the Legal Funds Needed to Beat Sony in a Weekend (escapistmagazine.com) |
136 points by Mikecsi on Feb 21, 2011 | 21 comments
14. | | Using an oscilloscope as a Gameboy display (flashingleds.wordpress.com) |
131 points by trafficlight on Feb 21, 2011 | 8 comments
15. | | Google Font Directory (expanded, moved to new URL) (google.com) |
133 points by moeffju on Feb 21, 2011 | 30 comments
16. | | Ultima Underworld bugs (dfan.org) |
109 points by rsaarelm on Feb 21, 2011 | 17 comments
17. | | rbtrace: like strace, but for ruby code (github.com/tmm1) |
101 points by tmm1 on Feb 21, 2011 | 11 comments
18. | | Selling Kiko: How Justin Kan sold his first YC startup on eBay (areallybadidea.com) |
98 points by randall on Feb 21, 2011 | 25 comments
19. | | Wherein my Kiss was Rejected (jamesaltucher.com) |
94 points by jaltucher on Feb 21, 2011 | 32 comments
20. | | No more desktop Linux systems in the German Foreign Office (h-online.com) |
94 points by bjonathan on Feb 21, 2011 | 80 comments
21. | | CD3WD Archives the Information Necessary to Rebuild Society (cd3wd.com) |
91 points by fogus on Feb 21, 2011 | 18 comments
22. | | Can Montreal Become an Open Source Startup Hub? (nextmontreal.com) |
88 points by evanprodromou on Feb 21, 2011 | 84 comments
23. | | New Ruby 1.9 Features, Tips & Tricks (igvita.com) |
76 points by LiveTheDream on Feb 21, 2011 | 26 comments
24. | | Jacques Mattheij on: Networking without going places (swombat.com) |
77 points by bensummers on Feb 21, 2011 | 13 comments
25. | | Google tries new angle on hiring (ft.com) |
73 points by timr on Feb 21, 2011 | 64 comments
26. | | Preparing CS students for programming interviews from day one (etilevich.wordpress.com) |
72 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Feb 21, 2011 | 45 comments
27. | | When to Buy Airline Tickets (dlo.me) |
62 points by thmzlt on Feb 21, 2011 | 21 comments
28. | | What is the best advice for a startup applying to Y Combinator? (quora.com) |
60 points by krn on Feb 21, 2011 | 37 comments
29. | | Forth vs Lisp (c2.com) |
57 points by gnosis on Feb 21, 2011 | 15 comments
30. | | The Legend of Zelda Turns 25 (slashdot.org) |
55 points by pwg on Feb 21, 2011 | 19 comments
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