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Stories from August 16, 2007
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1. Norvig: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (norvig.com)
54 points by mk on Aug 16, 2007 | 7 comments
2. What's Wrong with CS Research (unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com)
32 points by byrneseyeview on Aug 16, 2007 | 39 comments
3. The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race (by Jared Diamond) (iastate.edu)
29 points by Tichy on Aug 16, 2007 | 43 comments
4. How to write a book - the short honest truth (scottberkun.com)
31 points by _csoo on Aug 16, 2007 | 2 comments
5. Why the iPhone doesn't have copy+paste (daringfireball.net)
27 points by _david on Aug 16, 2007 | 12 comments
6. Why is it hard to startup a company outside of Silicon Valley?
26 points by ahsonwardak on Aug 16, 2007 | 63 comments
7. The iPhone Is Internet Explorer 4 All Over Again (wired.com)
21 points by aston on Aug 16, 2007 | 1 comment
8. news.ycombinator meetup - Cambridge, MA
20 points by bokonist on Aug 16, 2007 | 30 comments
9. How JavaScript is Slowing Down the Web (And What To Do About It) (readwriteweb.com)
18 points by brett on Aug 16, 2007 | 3 comments
10. The Industrial Revolution due to a change in the English population? (nytimes.com)
16 points by kf on Aug 16, 2007 | 9 comments
11. Number 3 Startup Hub?
15 points by far33d on Aug 16, 2007 | 53 comments
12. How to Stay Motivated (scottberkun.com)
12 points by pdsull on Aug 16, 2007 | 2 comments
13. Netflix customer service -- bucking the trend (nytimes.com)
10 points by prakash on Aug 16, 2007
14. Unconventional Wisdom: Quitting is good for you (foundread.com)
11 points by transburgh on Aug 16, 2007 | 2 comments
15. Sims Creator Will Wright Demos "Spore" (TED Video) (ted.com)
11 points by dpapathanasiou on Aug 16, 2007 | 1 comment
16. AT&T cripples BlackBerry to make iPhone more appealing (blackberrycool.com)
8 points by jsjenkins168 on Aug 16, 2007 | 1 comment
17. If You're Not Authentic, You Will Probably Fail (gobignetwork.com)
9 points by transburgh on Aug 16, 2007 | 2 comments
18. PingMe Annoys the Hell Out of You To Make Sure You Get Things Done (mashable.com)
9 points by horatio05 on Aug 16, 2007
19. "We have broken the speed of light" (telegraph.co.uk)
8 points by epi0Bauqu on Aug 16, 2007 | 1 comment
20. Debunking The Myths of Innovation (lifehacker.com)
8 points by danw on Aug 16, 2007 | 5 comments
21. Javascript or Flash Widgets debate. Help me choose what to use.
8 points by thomasswift on Aug 16, 2007 | 12 comments
22. Flash Games Community Kongregate Gets $5 Million To Bankroll Key Developers (paidcontent.org)
8 points by horatio05 on Aug 16, 2007 | 2 comments
23. Bad News And New CEOs at Technorati And Podtech (techcrunch.com)
6 points by transburgh on Aug 16, 2007
24. Think Lisp machines/J2EE/etc have too many manuals? Look at this (ed.ac.uk)
7 points by henning on Aug 16, 2007
25. 'Facebook Secrets' blog gets the DMCA takedown treatment (news.com.com)
7 points by terpua on Aug 16, 2007
26. The Pareto Rule for Social Networks
5 points by ahsonwardak on Aug 16, 2007 | 10 comments
27. Digital Korea - The future exists in South Korea (communities-dominate.blogs.com)
6 points by prakash on Aug 16, 2007
28. Here's one way to save your server AND your customer's website when digg/reddit effect hits (codingview.blogspot.com)
6 points by nickb on Aug 16, 2007
29. Finance geeks: what's behind this odd chart?
6 points by davidw on Aug 16, 2007 | 21 comments
30. An idea
6 points by cellis on Aug 16, 2007 | 17 comments

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