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Stories from June 23, 2007
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1. Paul Buchheit: Not getting health insurance is a really bad idea (paulbuchheit.blogspot.com)
26 points by paul on June 23, 2007 | 24 comments
2. Why the iPhone Will Fail (adage.com)
6 points by davidw on June 23, 2007 | 16 comments
3. Ask The VC - What Is the Standard Number of Shares to Create in a New Company? (askthevc.com)
5 points by brett on June 23, 2007 | 2 comments
4. Apple now third-largest U.S. music retailer: survey (reuters.com)
3 points by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007
5. Venture Capital industry at risk: it’s getting serious (businesshackers.com)
3 points by szczupak on June 23, 2007 | 3 comments
6. Google, eBay kiss, make up -- sort of / Auction site will resume ads but reduce spending (sfgate.com)
2 points by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007 | 1 comment
7. Virtual goods worth $1.5 billion; success stories speak (thedealblogs.com)
2 points by nickb on June 23, 2007
8. No Magic Behind Google's Magic? (stack-up.com)
2 points by vlad on June 23, 2007 | 1 comment
9. Introducing WiTV Browser Based Joost Competition, Apple TV Friendly (zatznotfunny.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007
10. iPhone buzz index booms to 8,225 going into the weekend (blackfriarsinc.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007
11. Google boss shows off iPhone (news.com.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007 | 1 comment
12. Verizon's fiber-optic payoff (news.com.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on June 23, 2007
13. What's the best health insurance company for catastrophic coverage? Kaiser? BC/Tonik? State Farm?
1 point by zurla on June 23, 2007 | 3 comments
14. Most churn is unnecessary…and deadly to your business (jslogan.com)
1 point by jslogan on June 23, 2007 | 1 comment
15. Track the Next Hurricane Katrina With New Web Tool (stormpulse.wordpress.com)
1 point by uripides on June 23, 2007
16. Will You Change Your Web Site For the iPhone? (slashdot.org)
1 point by dawie on June 23, 2007

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