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Stories from April 20, 2007
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1. Awesome color schemes for web designers. (adobe.com)
26 points by veritas on April 20, 2007 | 11 comments
2. YC News is one of the best sites I have come across in a long time
24 points by dawie on April 20, 2007 | 15 comments
3. Pirates of Silicon Valley (Full movie) (video.google.com)
15 points by sharpshoot on April 20, 2007 | 3 comments
4. Alexa v. Statsaholic: Tim Oreilly weighs in - sympathetic to Alexa? (oreilly.com)
13 points by Sam_Odio on April 20, 2007 | 6 comments
5. Ken Thompson's theoretical C compiler backdoor (scienceblogs.com)
13 points by kf on April 20, 2007 | 6 comments
6. How to avoid start-up success? Not offering equity!
11 points by gyro_robo on April 20, 2007 | 11 comments
7. Petition Against Alexa's Statsaholic Lawsuit (mashable.com)
11 points by pg on April 20, 2007 | 2 comments
8. Ask the Wizard: You Always Start the Last Company (burningdoor.com)
10 points by brett on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
9. How many Y Combinator founders are/were NOT young hackers? Any 30+?
10 points by webwright on April 20, 2007 | 10 comments
10. Who is going to Startup Camp 2 on May/7 in SF? (startupcamp.org)
9 points by felipe on April 20, 2007 | 4 comments
11. Haskell Application Server: in-memory transactional applications (happs.org)
8 points by jaggederest on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
12. The hidden lives of MySpacers - Why opinions from anybody but users rarely matter. (bokardo.com)
9 points by danw on April 20, 2007 | 9 comments
13. Cross Site Scripting is a Big Problem [bug fixed] (bigheadlabs.com)
9 points by staunch on April 20, 2007 | 2 comments
14. What do you feel about Software Process like CMM/CMMi ?
8 points by sergiutruta on April 20, 2007 | 15 comments
15. The scary math behind Web 2.0 (news.com.com)
8 points by gibsonf1 on April 20, 2007 | 6 comments
16. 99% of programmers are law-abiding citizens... (raganwald.com)
7 points by raganwald on April 20, 2007 | 2 comments
17. The Pirate Game (wikipedia.org)
8 points by nostrademons on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
18. Ubuntu 7.04 Released (ubuntu.com)
8 points by reitzensteinm on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
19. Transactionless (martinfowler.com)
6 points by bootload on April 20, 2007 | 2 comments
20. Pandora Founder Appeals For Help To "Save Internet Radio" (readwriteweb.com)
7 points by mattjaynes on April 20, 2007
21. How to make money online while being a small business not based in the US (robertoalamos.com)
7 points by rjam on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
22. Most Meetings Should Be Held Without Chairs (sethgodin.typepad.com)
6 points by pg on April 20, 2007 | 3 comments
23. Marry Your Passion and Divorce The Rest (mindpetals.com)
6 points by Sam_Odio on April 20, 2007 | 2 comments
24. Looking for startup idea feedback
6 points by jkush on April 20, 2007 | 45 comments
25. Google Acquires Marratech; Gets Into WebEx Territory (techcrunch.com)
6 points by mattjaynes on April 20, 2007 | 3 comments
26. How to build a community around your site (foundread.com)
4 points by neomeme on April 20, 2007 | 3 comments
27. Nerds 2.0.1: Len and Sandy talk about founding Cisco, VCs, being indentured, and getting pushed out (video.google.com)
4 points by gyro_robo on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
28. Alexa Backlash Begins, Call for Journalistic Boycott (startupmeme.com)
5 points by usablecontent on April 20, 2007 | 1 comment
29. What are your top 3 questions about how to turn your idea into a startup?
5 points by nivi on April 20, 2007 | 8 comments
30. Partnership agreement template for an LLC?
5 points by kf on April 20, 2007 | 6 comments

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