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Zesty (YC W14) is hiring software engineers (zesty.com)
on July 20, 2017
Zesty (YC W14) is hiring software engineers (zesty.com)
on June 25, 2017
How Simulated Annealing Can Improve Your Lunch (zesty.com)
2 points by refrigerator on May 3, 2016 | past
Why we use Ember at Zesty (zesty.com)
16 points by halfdan on March 17, 2016 | past
Zesty is hiring great developers (zesty.com)
on Feb 24, 2016
Zesty (YC W14) is hiring software engineers (zesty.com)
on Feb 16, 2016
Zesty (YC W14) Raises $17M Series A to Improve the Health of Humanity (zesty.com)
78 points by hol on July 14, 2015 | past | 26 comments
How simulated annealing can improve your lunch (zesty.com)
12 points by hol on May 11, 2015 | past | 2 comments

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