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Drawing an ASCII art from image (wafflespeanut.github.io)
3 points by wafflespeanut on March 1, 2017 | past
Exploring the human genome (part 1) (wafflespeanut.github.io)
1 point by wafflespeanut on Feb 12, 2017 | past
100 shades of green: The Journey of a coder (wafflespeanut.github.io)
4 points by wafflespeanut on Sept 9, 2015 | past
Establishing the Rust-Python FFI (wafflespeanut.github.io)
33 points by wafflespeanut on July 8, 2015 | past | 3 comments
A Pythonist getting Rusty these days (wafflespeanut.github.io)
3 points by wafflespeanut on July 5, 2015 | past

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