| | Data Partitioning and Consistent Hashing (2022) (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
1 point by xept on Nov 21, 2023 | past
| | Data Partitioning and Consistent Hashing (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
17 points by nalgeon on Aug 23, 2022 | past | 2 comments
| | Exploring the Amiga – Part 1 (2018) (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
90 points by codezero on Sept 9, 2021 | past | 22 comments
| | Public key cryptography: OpenSSH private keys (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
1 point by todsacerdoti on June 12, 2021 | past
| | Mau: A Lightweight Markup Language (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
1 point by imankulov on March 8, 2021 | past
| | Mau: a lightweight markup language (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by lumpa on Feb 23, 2021 | past
| | Delegation: Composition and inheritance in object-oriented programming (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by rbanffy on Aug 19, 2020 | past | 2 comments
| | Delegation: Composition and inheritance in object-oriented programming (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by luord on Aug 18, 2020 | past
| | Dissecting a Web Stack (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
3 points by thedigicat on Feb 18, 2020 | past
| | Motorola 68000: Addressing Modes (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by thedigicat on March 5, 2019 | past
| | Exploring the Amiga 8 (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
3 points by Tellurium on Feb 19, 2019 | past
| | Clean architectures in Python: The book (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
3 points by luord on Dec 20, 2018 | past
| | Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by luord on Nov 20, 2018 | past
| | Exploring the Amiga – A series of posts on the computer that wouldn't die (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
9 points by thedigicat on July 1, 2018 | past | 3 comments
| | Assembly language and the Amiga (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
1 point by erickhill on June 12, 2018 | past
| | Exploring the Amiga (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
3 points by doener on June 8, 2018 | past
| | Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
1 point by j4mie on June 7, 2018 | past
| | Refactoring with tests in Python: a practical example – The Digital Cat (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by rbanffy on July 21, 2017 | past
| | A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD – Part 1 (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by happy-go-lucky on May 10, 2017 | past
| | Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
2 points by Perados on Dec 26, 2016 | past
| | Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example (thedigitalcatonline.com) |
4 points by mmoroz on Nov 17, 2016 | past