| | How do screenshot permissions work in Wayland? (superuser.com) |
2 points by firebaze 22 days ago | past
| | Is "adaptive" Wi-Fi speed a thing on modern machines? (superuser.com) |
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| | Does full erase create all 0s or all 1s on the CD-RW? (superuser.com) |
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3 points by thunderbong 4 months ago | past
| | Windows 11 disabled all ways to get around Auto Restarts. Is there a workaround? (superuser.com) |
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3 points by behnamoh 6 months ago | past
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2 points by sipofwater 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
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58 points by firebaze 7 months ago | past | 30 comments
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3 points by jamesdhutton 10 months ago | past
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3 points by augustulus 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
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| | How to fix Windows 11 desktop switching slow (superuser.com) |
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33 points by weird_user on Nov 19, 2023 | past | 3 comments
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4 points by reqo on Nov 17, 2023 | past
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1 point by pacerier on Jan 26, 2023 | past | 1 comment
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