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A billion dollar software tech company is founded every 3 months in the U.S (minming.net)
1 point by getdavidhiggins on June 11, 2015 | past
Are you a one-boxer or two-boxer? (minming.net)
2 points by lominming on April 28, 2014 | past | 3 comments
How much would unlimited access to movies, books, magazines, and music cost? (minming.net)
50 points by lominming on April 21, 2014 | past | 49 comments
Melinda Gates at Stanford: "All lives have equal value" (minming.net)
33 points by lominming on Nov 15, 2012 | past | 66 comments
A billion dollar software tech company is founded every three months in the U.S. (minming.net)
219 points by lominming on Nov 12, 2012 | past | 111 comments

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