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1. Against Discord Channels (becca.ooo)
140 points by bb010g on Nov 6, 2021 | 159 comments
2. Mobile LTE Coverage Map (fcc.gov)
120 points by interweb on Sept 28, 2021 | 79 comments
3. September 11, 2001 media synced in real-time (911realtime.org)
788 points by smohnot on Sept 11, 2021 | 445 comments
4. Text Visualization Browser (lnu.se)
62 points by jonbaer on Nov 17, 2020 | 8 comments
5. Simple Opt Out – Links to opt out of data sharing by companies (simpleoptout.com)
188 points by xanthine on Oct 3, 2020 | 26 comments
6. Carbon: Create and share images of source code (now.sh)
247 points by polm23 on May 9, 2020 | 110 comments
7. Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers (vistaserv.net)
774 points by hmhhcycbtsc557 on May 10, 2020 | 172 comments
8. State projections for Covid-19 (covidactnow.org)
254 points by jamest on March 20, 2020 | 269 comments
9. So Your Startup Received the Nightmare GDPR Letter (jacquesmattheij.com)
289 points by janvdberg on May 29, 2018 | 495 comments
10. Experimental music notation resources (2015) (llllllll.co)
103 points by panic on May 27, 2018 | 20 comments
11. Show HN: RoughJS – Create hand-drawn graphics using JavaScript (roughjs.com)
1087 points by shihn on March 12, 2018 | 92 comments

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