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1. Launch HN: Lume (YC W23) – Generate custom data integrations with AI
115 points by nmachado on March 20, 2023 | 56 comments
2. Show HN: Open-source OAuth service for 40+ APIs (nango.dev)
206 points by rguldener on Feb 7, 2023 | 56 comments
3. Seasonal Spirals (observablehq.com)
88 points by luu on Dec 27, 2020 | 11 comments
4. TextQL: Execute SQL Against CSV or TSV (github.com/dinedal)
658 points by TAForObvReasons on April 7, 2018 | 91 comments
5. Python Deployment Anti-Patterns (hynek.me)
293 points by craigkerstiens on April 23, 2012 | 122 comments
6. Show HN: OppsList – A small, but growing list of software opportunities (oppslist.com)
46 points by cdiamand on June 2, 2017 | 15 comments
7. Show HN: Early-stage Yahoo Pipes spiritual successor (pipes.digital)
280 points by onli on May 29, 2017 | 126 comments
8. Ask HN: What is the most exciting development in your field right now?
516 points by yellow_viper on Feb 5, 2017 | 424 comments
9. Alan Kay has agreed to do an AMA today
1401 points by alankay on June 20, 2016 | 893 comments
10. GoAccess – Visual Web Log Analyzer (goaccess.io)
208 points by handpickednames on Dec 19, 2016 | 30 comments
11. Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies on Him for Documentary [video] (boredpanda.com)
292 points by dragonbonheur on Dec 18, 2016 | 142 comments
12. WoSign and letsencrypt.cn (groups.google.com)
206 points by arthur2e5 on Dec 18, 2016 | 60 comments
13. Ask HN: How do I get freelance developer jobs?
433 points by jamesmp98 on Dec 18, 2016 | 108 comments
14. Convox – Launch a Private Cloud in Minutes (convox.com)
298 points by lox on Aug 1, 2015 | 115 comments
15. Bringing Down Millions of WordPress Sites (jeremyaboyd.com)
215 points by jermaustin1 on Nov 21, 2016 | 63 comments
16. What does Unsplash cost? (crew.co)
120 points by snake_case on April 18, 2016 | 36 comments
17. My bank has an API so I built online banking (medium.com/jamesallison)
164 points by jamesallison on Nov 24, 2015 | 108 comments
18. A Practical Cryptanalysis of the Telegram Messaging Protocol [pdf] (au.dk)
87 points by tptacek on Dec 10, 2015 | 3 comments
19. Ask HN: do you keep a stash of ideas?
37 points by shadowcats on June 3, 2013 | 55 comments
20. Ripgrep – A new command line search tool (burntsushi.net)
740 points by anp on Sept 23, 2016 | 209 comments
21. Guido van Rossum Deconstructing Twisted's Deferreds (groups.google.com)
225 points by thezilch on Aug 19, 2013 | 62 comments
22. Show HN: 1000 ideas (github.com/napolux)
11 points by napolux on Sept 21, 2016 | 13 comments
23. Static Website Generators (netlify.com)
307 points by gk1 on Sept 19, 2016 | 239 comments
24. Show HN: Primitive Pictures (github.com/fogleman)
894 points by fogleman on Sept 20, 2016 | 170 comments
25. Ask HN: What's your favorite HN post?
692 points by rkhraishi on Sept 14, 2016 | 137 comments
26. My Heroic and Lazy Stand Against IFTTT (blog.pinboard.in)
1236 points by firloop on March 28, 2016 | 208 comments

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