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1. Intel 8080 emulator. 19th IOCCC. Best of Show (nanochess.org)
256 points by hggh 8 months ago | 66 comments
2. BootLogo: Logo language in 508 bytes of x86 machine code (github.com/nanochess)
226 points by thunderbong 8 months ago | 38 comments
3. My first Z80 assembly language program (nanochess.org)
57 points by AlexeyBrin 11 months ago | 9 comments
4. Pi number calculator in 146 bytes of 8088 machine code (github.com/nanochess)
77 points by nanochess on Dec 12, 2022 | 9 comments
5. Invaders game in 512 bytes (github.com/nanochess)
139 points by lelf on June 6, 2019 | 44 comments
6. Pacman in 512 bytes of x86 boot sector machine code (github.com/nanochess)
229 points by nanochess on July 8, 2019 | 62 comments
7. BootOS: Monolithic operating system in 512 bytes of x86 machine code (github.com/nanochess)
588 points by nanochess on July 30, 2019 | 121 comments
8. Show HN: 8086/8088 assembler that runs over 8088 hardware with modern syntax (github.com/nanochess)
132 points by nanochess on Oct 3, 2019 | 19 comments
9. Programming Games for Atari 2600 (atariage.com)
79 points by kgwxd on Nov 13, 2022 | 35 comments

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