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1. Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops (nature.com)
705 points by rbanffy 12 days ago | 364 comments
2. Quieting the Global Growl (hakaimagazine.com)
69 points by tintinnabula 3 months ago | 50 comments
3. Two open source projects with great architecture documentation (johnjago.com)
378 points by johnjago 6 months ago | 36 comments
4. My failed attempt at using a closet as an office (pamelafox.org)
245 points by pamelafox 9 months ago | 279 comments
5. TabFS – a browser extension that mounts the browser tabs as a filesystem (omar.website)
1033 points by pps on Feb 18, 2023 | 193 comments
6. Visual design rules you can safely follow (anthonyhobday.com)
1978 points by tontonius on Feb 6, 2023 | 317 comments
7. Ask HN: What made your business take off that you wish you'd done much earlier?
1147 points by greatatuin on Feb 14, 2022 | 467 comments
8. Ask HN: How to cope with the death of a dear person?
263 points by simonebrunozzi on May 29, 2021 | 94 comments
9. Is TDD Dead? (2014) (martinfowler.com)
445 points by cik on Aug 26, 2020 | 476 comments
10. A new funding model for open source software (vriad.com)
354 points by colinmcd on July 28, 2020 | 175 comments
11. Ask HN: What are good solo developer blogs that you enjoy reading?
621 points by lucasfdacunha on Feb 8, 2020 | 145 comments
12. Hacker News Classics (2018) (jsomers.net)
311 points by dsalzman on Jan 9, 2020 | 42 comments
13. Ask HN: How do I make the move to consultant?
343 points by Monotoko on Oct 8, 2019 | 110 comments
14. Show HN: Learn how to work remotely from people doing it every day (remotehabits.com)
343 points by Jasber on July 19, 2018 | 76 comments
15. Japanese Writing After Murakami (the-tls.co.uk)
144 points by whatami on June 20, 2018 | 64 comments
16. Introducing .app, a more secure home for apps on the web (blog.google)
395 points by magicalblob on May 1, 2018 | 366 comments
17. A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers (2017) (arxiv.org)
379 points by lainon on Feb 25, 2018 | 38 comments
18. Beginner's guide to longevity research (ldeming.com)
361 points by sajid on Jan 8, 2018 | 84 comments
19. Tricks to make yourself effortlessly charming (bbc.com)
360 points by diminish on Dec 24, 2017 | 159 comments
20. Clarity Icons: open source icons (vmware.github.io)
217 points by johnewo on Aug 24, 2017 | 41 comments
21. Side Project Marketing Checklist (sideprojectchecklist.com)
449 points by Zweihander on Aug 13, 2017 | 68 comments
22. Predict the future with Machine Learning (zeroequalsfalse.press)
147 points by majikarp on Aug 12, 2017 | 45 comments
23. Ask HN: How to sell your app/side project while working full-time?
239 points by bradtx on Aug 2, 2017 | 95 comments
24. Ask HN: How do you find clients when you have no network and can only do remote?
383 points by _ncxu on July 24, 2017 | 125 comments
25. Ask HN: What programming blogs do you follow?
407 points by in9 on July 24, 2017 | 77 comments
26. Ask HN: HNers who got their “Show HNs” on homepage, how is your site doing now?
279 points by superasn on July 24, 2017 | 194 comments
27. Designing state machines (drivy.engineering)
211 points by adipasquale on June 26, 2017 | 57 comments
28. Thermodynamic Asymmetry in Time (2016) (stanford.edu)
92 points by lainon on June 18, 2017 | 67 comments
29. Ask HN: What are some examples of successful single-person businesses?
685 points by 1ba9115454 on May 29, 2017 | 308 comments
30. On the Road with Aristotle: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) (the-tls.co.uk)
105 points by samclemens on April 28, 2017 | 32 comments

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