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1. Oxide pays all employees $191,227 (Bay Area startup) (oxide.computer)
93 points by lsj0627 on March 14, 2023 | 189 comments
2. The first Oxide rack being prepared for customer shipment (hachyderm.io)
296 points by jclulow 9 months ago | 195 comments
3. Oxide Computer Company: Initial boot sequence (oxide.computer)
509 points by steveklabnik on Dec 2, 2019 | 399 comments
4. Oxide Computer: Docs (oxide.computer)
303 points by avrong 9 months ago | 150 comments
5. Joint statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC (treasury.gov)
1699 points by FormerBandmate on March 12, 2023 | 2512 comments

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