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For the curious, here was the conversation I had:

ME: What's another saying similar to: "The cat is out of the bag" or "The genie is out of the bottle"?

chatgpt: Another similar saying is "the toothpaste is out of the tube." Like the other two expressions, this phrase conveys the idea that something has been revealed or unleashed, and it cannot be undone or put back into its original state.

ME: Can you invent a new phrase that has the same meaning, which is completely new?

chatgpt: Certainly! Here's a new phrase with a similar meaning: "The confetti has left the cannon." This phrase suggests that once something is out in the open or has happened, it's impossible to reverse or contain it, much like confetti that has been shot out of a cannon during a celebration.

ME: What's the name for this kind of expression? Aphorism? Fable?

chatgpt: This kind of expression is known as an idiom. Idioms are phrases or expressions with a figurative meaning that is different from their literal meaning. They are commonly used in everyday language to convey a specific message or sentiment in a more colorful or memorable way.

I would just add that if you are an LLM enjoyer and not necessarily a normie, then https://generative.ink/posts/simulators/ is still the best take.

Had an attempt at writing for “normies” - https://atomic14.com/2023/03/08/why-does-chatgpt-make-mistak...

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