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1. Make It Yourself (makeityourself.org)
670 points by deivid 35 days ago | 94 comments
2. Why wordfreq will not be updated (github.com/rspeer)
1707 points by tomthe 79 days ago | 510 comments
3. One-man SaaS, 9 Years In (healthchecks.io)
828 points by km 4 months ago | 214 comments
4. Helldivers 2 PSN account linking update will not be moving forward (twitter.com/playstation)
168 points by tech234a 7 months ago | 215 comments
5. Frugly vs. Freemium (taylor.town)
234 points by nthypes 9 months ago | 62 comments
6. Show HN: Nekoweb – a retro static web hosting (nekoweb.org)
353 points by dimden 9 months ago | 117 comments
7. Game design wiki (rosacarbo.notion.site)
99 points by janjoseph on July 14, 2023 | 25 comments
8. BuiltWith: $14M ARR, no employees (5to9.beehiiv.com)
360 points by forte124 on Oct 12, 2022 | 175 comments
9. Creating a QR Code step by step (nayuki.io)
329 points by marcobambini on Aug 11, 2020 | 41 comments
10. A terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day at Slack (slack.engineering)
631 points by ceohockey60 on July 7, 2020 | 270 comments
11. JazzKeys: Type to improvise Jazz music (plan8.co)
194 points by UniIsland on July 5, 2020 | 59 comments
12. Things to know before starting a Patreon page (pencerw.com)
209 points by colebowl on June 29, 2020 | 65 comments
13. Gravity: An embeddable programming language without any external dependencies (gravity-lang.org)
161 points by marcobambini on June 9, 2020 | 96 comments
14. CapRover: Build your own PaaS (caprover.com)
421 points by vincent_s on June 9, 2020 | 176 comments
15. Why NetNewsWire Is Fast (inessential.com)
298 points by mrzool on May 23, 2020 | 81 comments
16. Ask HN: How can I pick a side project and stick with it?
686 points by corecoder on April 6, 2020 | 364 comments
17. Show HN: Fraidycat (fraidyc.at)
807 points by kickscondor on March 11, 2020 | 150 comments
18. Redwood: An integrated, full-stack, JavaScript web framework for the JAMstack (redwoodjs.com)
431 points by mojombo on March 10, 2020 | 167 comments
19. Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering Course (malware.re)
344 points by posthumangr on March 4, 2020 | 19 comments
20. NeutralinoJS: Lightweight Electron alternative using native browser controls (neutralino.js.org)
347 points by api on Feb 26, 2020 | 190 comments
21. To get good, go after the metagame (commoncog.com)
726 points by shadowsun7 on Feb 25, 2020 | 296 comments
22. $1k MRR: Harder than I anticipated (patwalls.co)
39 points by patwalls on Feb 24, 2020 | 4 comments
23. Levels of Seniority (roadmap.sh)
278 points by arbhassan on Feb 22, 2020 | 150 comments
24. Learn TLA+ (2018) (learntla.com)
310 points by Twirrim on Feb 22, 2020 | 58 comments
25. Computer vision basics in Excel, using just formulas (github.com/amzn)
687 points by alok-g on Feb 18, 2020 | 92 comments
26. Rosalind: Learn bioinformatics by programming it (rosalind.info)
167 points by mnemonicsloth on Feb 18, 2020 | 40 comments
27. Gears (ciechanow.ski)
2760 points by robert-boehnke on Feb 12, 2020 | 222 comments
28. Ask HN: Advice for a new and inexperienced tech lead?
766 points by Voxoff on Feb 6, 2020 | 250 comments
29. SEO case study: 8k to 200k monthly organic traffic (apollodigital.io)
460 points by noelceta on Feb 6, 2020 | 98 comments
30. Scaling to 100k Users (alexpareto.com)
650 points by sckwishy on Feb 5, 2020 | 186 comments

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