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Nebula is definitely an interesting entry into the market. There's also Dante Labs[0], which often offers 30x whole genome in the 200-300USD range. You can download all your raw data (including FASTQs, h37-aligned BAMs, and VCFs) from AWS. There are some quality concerns (and they use BGI instead of Illumina sequencers), but at that price it's tempting to do Dante and Nebula as a check on each other.

Dante also has what seems like a pretty good privacy policy, including an option to destroy your saliva sample and delete all your data[1]. Obviously you still have to trust them, but it's a step in the right direction.

There's a good Facebook group for customers of both Dante and Nebula[2].

[0]: https://www.dantelabs.com/

[1]: https://us.dantelabs.com/pages/privacy-policy

[2]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/373644229897409/

This is why I’ve been putting off getting my genome sequenced. One breach and it’s out there forever.

I’ve heard good things about nebula[0] as a way to get an anonymous genome but have yet to be motivated enough to take the plunge

[0] https://nebula.org/whole-genome-sequencing/

I'm not interested in your advice but I'm happy talk about the issues. That said, I'm not sure what you're saying or what you think I said.

Immigration is, I believe, a human right. It's liberty - liberty to travel, to make the most of yourself, and it's opportunity. People should be free to make the most of themselves. It's also economic freedom, which generally yields more productive economies for all.

For practical reasons, mostly to prevent the economic shocks of mass migrations, it needs to be somewhat limited and controlled. But I want the poorest, most oppressed people coming to my country; they are the ones who need freedom the most - the most marginal social and economic gain. I'm completely confident that they and their children will thrive and make my country better. And for practical and moral reasons, I'd like more diversity; the sooner we can do away with the dominance of any ethnic group, the sooner we can be rid of their BS bigotry, which is a drain on us all. (Imagine, for a moment, the world without bigots - so many problems solved.)

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