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1. Show HN: Chat with your contacts on different platforms without an app (fiotron.com)
33 points by soheil on Sept 3, 2021 | 17 comments
2. Why Life Can’t Be Simpler (fs.blog)
158 points by feross on Oct 5, 2020 | 167 comments
3. Applying “make invalid states unrepresentable” (kevinmahoney.co.uk)
375 points by fanf2 on Oct 5, 2020 | 183 comments
4. Coronavirus Brings American Decline Out in the Open (bloomberg.com)
73 points by swyx on June 30, 2020 | 37 comments
5. The Herd Immunity Taboo – Tablet Magazine (tabletmag.com)
10 points by mrfusion on May 24, 2020 | 8 comments
6. Interviews with the Executioner of the Warsaw Ghetto (thefirstnews.com)
6 points by danielam on March 7, 2020
7. Sonos's “recycle mode” intentionally bricks devices so they can't be reused (twitter.com/atomicthumbs)
1236 points by gyger on Dec 27, 2019 | 461 comments
8. French executives convicted in the suicides of 35 of their workers (washingtonpost.com)
149 points by andrewl on Dec 22, 2019 | 115 comments
9. The Lesson to Unlearn (paulgraham.com)
1333 points by adunk on Dec 7, 2019 | 565 comments
10. Capitalism, Alone (glineq.blogspot.com)
89 points by ubac on Sept 30, 2019 | 80 comments
11. Build a 6502 Computer (eater.net)
224 points by ingve on Sept 14, 2019 | 48 comments
12. Being basic as a virtue (nadiaeghbal.com)
159 points by skellertor on Aug 6, 2019 | 121 comments
13. Low-level is easy (2008) (yosefk.com)
72 points by kotrunga on July 30, 2019 | 26 comments
14. Earth had a near-miss with 'city-killer' asteroid this morning (smh.com.au)
26 points by pseudolus on July 25, 2019 | 5 comments
15. Some items from my “reliability list” (rachelbythebay.com)
567 points by luu on July 25, 2019 | 169 comments
16. My First Fifteen Compilers (sigplan.org)
388 points by azhenley on July 11, 2019 | 77 comments
17. How I encrypt my data in the cloud (robertclarke.com)
151 points by robertjfclarke on July 6, 2019 | 99 comments
18. Stage0 – A set of minimal C compiler bootstrap binaries (github.com/oriansj)
200 points by z29LiTp5qUC30n on June 24, 2019 | 68 comments
19. One Day of Work a Week Is Most ‘Effective’ Dose for Mental Health (bloomberg.com)
58 points by perfunctory on June 19, 2019 | 12 comments
20. I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup (2014) (slatestarcodex.com)
282 points by anchpop on June 14, 2019 | 169 comments
21. Game Engine Black Books Update (fabiensanglard.net)
436 points by _bxg1 on May 17, 2019 | 68 comments
22. Do You Want to Be Doing This When You're 50? (dadgum.com)
30 points by ngcc_hk on May 15, 2019 | 8 comments
23. Applied Category Theory (ocw.mit.edu)
508 points by lelf on April 19, 2019 | 106 comments
24. SOA and the Tar Pit of Irrelevancy (2009) (nealford.com)
47 points by geezerjay on April 16, 2019 | 30 comments
25. Database Architecture Blog (architecture-database.blogspot.com)
143 points by dhanushkamad on March 17, 2019 | 12 comments
26. Sensible Software Engineering (scriptcrafty.com)
164 points by myth_drannon on March 3, 2019 | 76 comments
27. Running a Bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL (bofh.org.uk)
465 points by flocial on Feb 26, 2019 | 191 comments
28. LispOS: Specification of a Lisp operating system (2013) [pdf] (metamodular.com)
140 points by molteanu on Feb 9, 2019 | 50 comments
29. The pros and cons of deliberative reasoning (bostonreview.net)
2 points by huihuiilly on Jan 30, 2019
30. The Tao of Programming (1987) (textfiles.com)
245 points by ghosthamlet on Jan 29, 2019 | 57 comments

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