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1. The Illustrated GPT-2: Visualizing Transformer Language Models (2019) (jalammar.github.io)
213 points by epberry 10 months ago | 5 comments
2. Swift System Is Now Open Source (swift.org)
500 points by NobodyNada on Sept 25, 2020 | 328 comments
3. Basic Social Skills Guide (2012) (improveyoursocialskills.com)
1291 points by lisper on Nov 20, 2019 | 409 comments
4. If you're busy, you're doing something wrong (2011) (calnewport.com)
499 points by unpredict on Nov 14, 2019 | 162 comments
5. A proposal for a better bookmarking service (github.com/joelewis)
22 points by vommina on May 19, 2019 | 10 comments
6. Ask HN: How to come up with monetizable side project ideas?
426 points by sunilkumarc on Sept 22, 2018 | 121 comments
7. Minimum Viable Personality (2011) (avc.com)
181 points by tosh on March 1, 2019 | 96 comments
8. Getting started with linear algebra (hadrienj.github.io)
226 points by ghosthamlet on Nov 1, 2018 | 28 comments

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