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No, that is a Russian site that uses English/USD (maybe for easier international remote job seekers.)

Yeah thanks for pointing that out. However I’m sure I’ve seen the same thing from US companies

"and you will too" is a big part of why this is the accurate TLDR.

I looked at the job market a few months ago and Carona aside, the market is in a terrible state. Companies are looking for unicorns that agree with them on style, chose all the right techs four years ago, are young or otherwise willing to accept abuse, and write like someone with 10 years experience teaching TDD style programming. On top of that they want you to agree that they have chosen a profitable business that will save the world.

One advantage of an economy like this is that in another year or two, companies will have been humbled a bit and will not be looking so far up the corporate equivalent of Maslow's hierarchy, and will either be more focused on things that actually matter, or will be dead.

Unfortunately, we have to get through this bit first....

I hope you are right. OTOH, with an actual over abundance of labor instead of always on hiring barely finding enough employees, they can either go even farther in the direction of pointless hoops or even shorter on wages relative to output.

My advice to everyone who is thinking about tech is to find a domain that needs tech assistance and consider that domain your career future. Street smart engineers I know have mostly dropped out by 40, so tech is not a career.

Building with insulated concrete forms costs about 5% more.. So it is really not unaffordable to build a durable house in the US.

Everything is done to minimum standards in the US because of paradoxical markets like banks competing to give mortgages. The bank that wants only houses that will survive the mortgage let alone second buyers mortgage (for the threat to resale value) loses.

It's nice to see a good quality effort on a modern C book.

Looking at the current language/job markets outside the center, I feel like we are hitting the same problems as in open source. People add C++ to every C job to have something with the same level of innovations going on as new languages, even if it is about Linux embedded and you wouldn't let a C++ construct near the system.

> even if it is about Linux embedded and you wouldn't let a C++ construct near the system.

I guess all these AVR, STM32 and ESP2866 devices running C++ are to be discarded too ?

Yes, and given that an Intel PC is a valid build target for almost every language and we pay were paying by the word in job classifieds, we almost went broke before we realized we had to throw them out too.

But after initial turbulence, life has gotten much simpler (and dare I say quiet) for our HR since we moved to using the stock job profiles shipped with the platforms we buy.

Thankfully there is also Arduino, ESP32, mbed, AUTOSAR and plenty of other embedded places where Linux and C aren't that relevant.

Attenborough recently accepted criticism that he went too far in avoiding the topic of environmental damage (i.e. finding angles to imply pristine environments where they no longer exist.)

I would say that makes him a perfect person to raise these topics as his previous bias is to avoid problems until they are beyond grim.

Yeah, I think the most charitable explanation is that as one gains expertise one is looking for and increasingly helped only by ever more critical and precise review. One may have trouble seeing the difference in what a beginner needs and think "better" review is a short cut around "wasted" time.

Is there a static Twitter thread cache somewhere? Loading this fails with "something went wrong" and then "you are rate limited".

If Twitter's dark pattern to force login/app usage were just a little closer to the headline, I would have thought the failure was the punchline of this posting.

This happens _every single time_ I open a link to twitter if it's been >~1 hour since I last viewed a twitter page. Different devices, different networks, etc. It's been this way for at least a year. All I can think of is I don't have some tracking cookie they're using to guess that I'm not a bot. Reloading the page (w/ F5) fixes it.

Presumably logging in or using their app would fix it, but I've got far too much spite for that. Instead I just avoid the site where possible.

This happens to me on iPhone (Safari) as well, and looking for it, it turns out it's been a well-known problem for months (if not years). Astonishing.

You need to reload the page. The refresh button is useless.

With toll free numbers every land grab makes sense to the buyer, but no one else can take .google and existence of this and other brand TLDs will suck for their product experiences.

People fly to cruises so frequently that it is part of a the package system.

Ignoring what you don't understand is arguably valid, dark mode would be illegal..

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