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Get a Chinese romantic partner I am told (I went with SE Asian by chance and pushed back by learning a few years. ;-) )

Have someone special die in your arms. I'm being serious...You will see all people (except the real nasty ones) as fragile and worthy of our patience and understanding.

Clap, clap, clap...Uplifting

Thank you for your service and commitment. The best the US has to offer--decent, hard working people + the environment to thrive.

I really appreciate this post. Somehow I think the media and its funders are trying to drive the wedge between similarly thinking people as hard as they can.

i thought i was the only one ;-)


I could be a superhero if I banned all talk of my failures and weaknesses

We're in a war whether we choose to accept it or not. The other side has been making tremendous progress because of our naivety and facilitator-traitors among our midst who overlook human rights abuses and IP theft to make the profit target for the next quarter.

Absolutely not. After 30 years in business I have seen too many execs walk away with huge (>50+ million dollar pay packages, upwards of 250 million due to pre-arranged exit deals) even after failing greatly and seriously harming franchises if not permanently destroying them. And when times get tough, the C-suite uses their management consultants as cover to whack a ton of ordinary folks because "you know, overlaps". Think like a mercenary at all times. They do. Don't get me started on gentleman agreements about bonuses to be paid after 12 months "if" I came onboard.

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