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My team at Signvaio|SAP is looking for a Senior Frontend Developer. Our stack: React, GraphQL (apollo client/server)

Office is Berlin, but you could work remote from at least most European countries. We also provide an relocation allowance.

Interview Steps: inhouse recruiter call -> 1h interview with people lead -> coding challenge (~3h), ->1h functional interview -> offer

Domain: Business Process Intelligence, our teams is focused on data visualisations


Buying a pen plotter last summer was one of the best decision for a while. As I start my journey into programming with generative art, using macromedia director and processing, I always wanted to be able to create my on physical prints. So for the last months I got back to have fun writing code in my spare time. Some examples: https://twitter.com/eskimobloood/status/1366300689652187140 https://twitter.com/eskimobloood/status/1285159611599933441 https://twitter.com/eskimobloood/status/1373317198119370753

Just logged in to say that this work is amazing and that I really like your style :)

I also keep coming back to generative art and think about getting a pen plotter for years already. Now I am getting one!

What is this ptpx process? Some kind of postcard exchange? Looks fun, is there more info somewhere?

Yes, stands for plotter twitter postcard exchange. I think there is no real info online. It was organized by Paul Butler[1] on twitter. In the end you but your info into an google sheet and he organized sending out emails with the addresses for your postcards to send to.


That’s so cool. I had no idea this was a thing and it’s right up my alley.

They look very interesting.

Could you share some resources on how to get into this?

Sure. The plotter I've bought is the AxiDraw SE/A3[1]. There is an Inkscape plugin so you can easily plot SVG graphics. I generate the SVG graphics using small JavaScript programs. Thats already it. Here[2] is a more detailed resource list to dig into the topic

[1]https://shop.evilmadscientist.com/productsmenu/908 [2]https://project-awesome.org/beardicus/awesome-plotters


I already have a 3D printer and I’ve seen some projects that made it possible to use the 3D printer as a plotter. So probably I’d try that route first.

I was actually more interested in the software aspect to generate those arts.

This a is a really wide field. Basically its starts with one of the standard algorithms, like and l-system, a voronoi diagram, or simple combination of sin and cos to draw shapes. Have a look at thi-ng[1], just as example for a library that has implemented a lot of this kind of algorithms. The next step in my process is to think about how to destroy this forms as most of them are used a lot in this field and become boring. Using perlin noise as input to arguments of the algorithms is one way to do this. The other part is to make most all of the input variables easily changeable as most of the time the whole process is like writing the program and then spend a lot of time adapt the parameters until you get some interesting output. So in the end I have a small Svelte app, using Svelte only cause the data binding for the inputs so simple, which has tons of sliders that renders an SVG that can be saved in the end.


Yeh, +1 to that - have been experimenting with generative art as the basis to my printmaking, and would love to see some more on this..

Here is a nice write up on different examples that either work or fail: https://medium.com/@herbcaudill/lessons-from-6-software-rewr...

Would be interesting to see the result trained on images from this book[1] about mutation on insects in the chernobyl area.

[1]https://www.amazon.com/Heteroptera-Beautiful-Other-Images-Mu... [2]https://atomicphotographers.com/cornelia-hesse-honegger/

I'm only 45 and use Abendbrot, so does my daughter.

At least there are a bunch of example: https://docs.rs/crate/nannou/0.9.0/source/examples/

It would be nice if they had included images/gifs.

I just finished making some short gifs that show some of the compiled examples. Thanks again for the suggestion. https://github.com/nannou-org/nannou/tree/master/examples

That's a great idea. We will start to put together a table or pictures that shows the resulting window of each compiled example. Hopefully have this up in the next few days. Thanks for the suggestion!

Doesn't the map show the trend? So it's not about how green it is but how mucher greener it's become over the last decade.

Yup. It shows the increase. But I think the way its portrayed is kind of misleading. Most people looking at the map who is not aware of Indian geography is going to think places like Rajastan now has a lot of greenery due to significance increase in greenary which is far from reality. Would love to know what all factors where taken into consideration for deciding the greenery increase.

Yes this color choice is misleading. It would have been better to have chosen blue to represent this increase.

As someone growing up in the east german (I was 15 in 1989), I can tell for sure that we've learnt in school that the GDR is an socialist country on its way to the communism.

I appologize, my comment came off much stronger than I intended.

I don't think it did. Maybe the terms are being used differently in different cultures. Nothing wrong with that. The article is written with an American audience in mind.

From the article:

Mr. Schmidt had been a Volkswagen employee since 1997 and was named general manager of the company’s engineering and environmental office in Auburn Hills, Mich., in 2013


Quiver[1]: suports markdown and syncs via Dropbox

Mindful[2]: chrome extension

[1]http://happenapps.com/#quiver [2]https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mindful-beta/cieek...

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