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I must have missed this product, it seems incredibly useful, especially for providing remote access to legacy devices like NVRs, or random other gear that is a big hassle to remotely administer.

I'd recommend giving grayscale mode a try not only during bedtime, but all the time! My Pixel has been set this way for a couple months and it has decreased my mindless phone usage by simply making the phone more boring overall, without any new device or major sacrifices.

I became concerned that I'd turn it off when I temporarily needed color and forget to turn it back on, so instead I used Tasker to listen for L-R shake action and make that temporarily disable grayscale mode for 20 secs (in case I specifically decide I want to look at color in a photo or disambiguate something from grayscale). Works decently well, I can explain the Tasker steps if anyone else is interested.

On my Pixel using GrapheneOS, I can go into Accessibility settings and enable gesture support for toggling Grayscale support, without the need for Tasker. I'm unsure how other Android ROMs stack up but I imagine stock Pixel has this setting.

It's a great feature, just swipe up from the bottom with two fingers whenever I need color.

Huh, didn't realize that was there! Works on stock Pixel, you're right, definitely useful feature to have

> I'm unsure how other Android ROMs stack up

I'm _almost_ certain that comes with any Android ROM from 9.0 up as a standard accessibility setting. All my Samsung devices have had it for a few years.

> used Tasker to listen for L-R shake action and make that temporarily disable grayscale mode for 20 secs


I am using gray scale on personal phone permanently, but avoided that on work phone as I might need to discern color in some work documents or screenshares.

What you describe seems like a perfect solution but does it work on all Android phones?

If you could throw some more light on the steps ... appreciate that!

I do think it will work on non-Pixel phones, but you do need to enable Secure Settings for Tasker, which probably can be locked down by Mobile Device Management or other admin control methods that a work device could have.

Listed my config in a sibling comment:


I've been doing the same for a few months, as I wanted to get an eink phone but wasn't sure how annoying it'd be. Although there's some limitations, like charts or video calls, I got used to it quite quickly in the end. Really recommended, you can just enable it in display settings (at least on my Samsung).

I'd love to do the same thing, so if you have time to explain the Tasker steps I'd definitely make use of them :-)

I put the steps in a sibling comment:



This would eliminate the failure mode of my grayscale attempts. I would appreciate knowing the configuration steps.

No root needed, but you first need to grant Tasker the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission, see: https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/help/ah_secure_sett...

I granted it via ADB using the command line listed, but the other method with app might work too. If you don't have ADB, It's very easy to install by just downloading the right sdk for your OS, and you run the included ADB binary via command line while your phone is plugged in via USB, and USB debugging is enabled (which is an android developer setting).

Set your Android accessibility color correction type to grayscale if you don't have that already. The below Tasker action simply toggles it off and on.

Tasker config is-

Configure a Shake Left-Right event trigger (I recommend sensitivity 'Very Low' and Duration 'Long' to avoid accidental triggers)

Configure a 3-step action following the trigger:

1. Custom Setting

    Type: Secure
    Name: accessibility_display_daltonizer_enabled
    Value: 0
2. Wait action (I set to 20 sec)

3. Custom Setting

    Type: Secure
    Name: accessibility_display_daltonizer_enabled
    Value: 1
Set the Collision Handling on the task gear/settings to "Abort Existing Task", so that you can extend the color lifetime by shaking the phone again.

Of course, once you have this action in Tasker, you can use any trigger to turn it on or off, like opening a particular app, turning it on when you are only at home or away, etc.

Works pretty well for me, there is one slight issue where some type of android display layout refresh occurs when the color toggle happens, which sometimes refreshes the interface you are on in a slightly annoying way. I tolerate it, it's ok, maybe setting a longer wait period would make this occur less often.

If these steps don't work / too confusing, try using the really great accessibility gesture support setting mentioned in a reply, instead or in addition: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40462366

FYI John Dalton was a scientist who pioneered color blindness research among many other fields, so his name is everywhere in color correction settings apparently.

Amazing, thank you!

Thanks for the recommendation! I don't have a big mindless phone usage problem but I'll give it a shot anyway and see what happens.

You're saying you'd prefer zero coverage of an AI warfare conference, then?

From the look of these bugs, like this one but especially the other race condition bug that suggested 10x the user's input dosage, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say formal verification appears to be used little or none..

Huh, I didn't really fully understand that about SVG. Thanks for the info.

From what I'm reading, it seems that from inside an SVG script, you can call out to javascript functions of the parent page? That seems kinda surprising, I'm sure there are security policies around it, but it means that there are potential security and performance risks/considerations around hosting and serving SVG files that I didn't realize existed.

The comment you’re replying to is misleading. SVG supports JavaScript but only if you load the SVG directly in your browser or inline it fully into the DOM. Using it as a normal image tag, by reference or with inlined data:, it’s inert and harmless from a JavaScript perspective.

However, for a long time browsers were susceptible to denial of service attacks from maliciously crafted XML files, which SVG could exploit. (“Million laughs”). This doesn’t work in current versions but it might be a reason that SVGs are rejected.

Rendering HTML emails in the browser is rather tricky business, because HTML/CSS isolation mechanisms are non-existent or come with a lot of caveats. You want to make sure your layout doesn't get screwed because of some bonkers HTML/CSS but you also don't want the intended layout of the email to be completely screwed.

It's been a long while since I worked on this, but I was always very hesitant to make changes here, because we knew that our current thing worked for almost all customers, and you never knew what changes would break what.

We dogfooded our own client, and at some point a change I made broke the automated SIDN (which manages .nl TLD) emails. I forgot what exactly it was, but they did some really weird stuff. You can't just shrug and say "oh well, that's just crazy, fix your emails" because people do need those emails and getting these types of organisations to take action is like moving a mountain.

Ahh ok thanks for the clarification, that makes sense

Is that your definition of consciousness? Worrying about things?

Yes, that's part of it.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Because eventually it becomes your turn to jump first.

The work of checking IDs is mostly done in US venues already, for 21+ drinking wristbands. It would have to be done differently, for sure, but a good portion of that labor is already being incurred.

More likely, the venues don't have much economic incentive, if any, to reduce ticket reselling and scalping.

A much more concise list could be made of members of Congress that don't want to send money towards offensive weapons in Israel.

It's a vanishingly small list. Virtually everyone wearing a (D) or (R) hat is extremely interested in sending our tax money towards this purpose, which fund programs exactly like in this article.

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