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Great stuff, I've been using iTerm2 for a while and it's really good to see it evolve like this.

I use screen a lot (yes I know, I should switch to tmux one day!) and shell integration doesn't seem to work properly with sessions inside screen. Works perfectly if I ssh directly. Is it going to be supported eventually or is this the ultimate signal for me to switch to tmux?

By default, it is disabled in tmux. It works fine in iTerm2's tmux integration mode, but not in plain old tmux. I'm hopeful that this feature will prove popular and useful enough that I can get tmux to add support for it. To make it work in tmux integration mode just remove the check that $TERM == "screen" in $HOME/.iterm2_shell_integration.$SHELL.

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, right clicking on a mark is not working in tmux integration mode.

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