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One thing I've always meant to do was to put together a system for loading and saving Sinclair ZX81 games via Twitter messages.

Depending on how much you cheat, you can get about two bytes of data per Twitter character. That'd allow 256 bytes of game to live comfortably within a single twit, which is a quarter of an unexpanded ZX81 RAM. By comparison, that would take almost ten seconds to load off tape. You should be able to get a respectable ZX81 game in that.

With something like the JtyOne Javascript ZX81 emulator (http://www.zx81stuff.org.uk/zx81/jtyone.html) and some Twitter interaction, the whole process should be pretty seamless --- click on a twit to play; modify it using the ZX81's built-in cough IDE; click on a button to reshare...

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