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There could be many reasons why people avoid you. I don't know you and it would be hard to find the real reason here but I give you this one advice:

Don't go out and look for friends—never do this.

The problem is that people will smell it from the first moment you are around them. They will know when they see you looking at them, how you approach them and how you talk and how long you talk with them. You signal—it's basically written on your forehead: 'I need friends. I want friends. I am lonely, I am needy and full of despair, please f*ing talk to me.' And this neediness makes you as a person very unattractive. It's not your looks.

I went through a similar stage for a long time but could get out, now I have again tons of friends, a lovely girl-friend and life is good. Let me know if you need more advice.

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