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I was a beta tester for Google Domains for a long time. Here are reasons I'm very satisfied:

- Unlike other domain sellers, Google Domains is NOT trying to sell me anything other than domains.

- Canceling is easy! I don't have to wait in calls with 1&1!

- Customer support was great. They get back to me after an hour if I email and if I call, responses are very fast.

- User interface is clean and clear.

I was a beta tester as well. All the reasons you listed apply. Even before they opened for the masses I have moved all my domains in. Some extra reasons:

- Simple integration if you are on Google apps (I am grandfathered, using their, old, standard, free Gapps.

- Customer support was superb and instant, via chat, and it was great. The person knew what he was doing.

Definitely a keeper.

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