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General purpose computers are so last-cen. Today, we have mobile! The arguments about control today are between the mobile network operators, the mobile device vendors, and governments. Users have little if any control or input to that process. Apple doesn't even allow IOS apps to have programmability.

"Apple doesn't even allow IOS apps to have programmability."

Sorry, that's not correct.There are any number of programming language implementations that run on iOS.

For example, https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gambit-repl/id434534076?mt=8

What they don't allow is for the app to download and execute code from the net (except for JavaScript).

Modding facts down doesn't make them any less factual, you know.

Apple doesn't even allow IOS apps to have programmability.

Could you elaborate on this "programmability"?

i.e. You can't run code that isn't compiled in your binary, unless it's JavaScript running in a webview, or unless it's code written by the user in your coding app.

2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected

2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected


They don't allow automated code downloading, true, but nothing stops you from copying and pasting code written by someone else.

I think that probably falls under "launch other executable code".

You're wrong.

I just copied and pasted some Scheme from the net into the Gambit Scheme REPL. Worked fine. Apple did nothing to stop me, nor could they.

I see the Apple fan club is on duty.

It's amusing. Any negative mention of Apple takes about an hour to be recognized. Then it gets modded down. The same thing happens on Slashdot, with about the same amount of delay. Then, if the comment is any good, it gets modded up again over the next day or so. Apple's operation seems to have a fixed moderation window.

You claimed that Apple doesn't allow apps to be programmable.

That is objectively wrong. It has nothing to do with "fan clubs".

Yes, there is an overarching conspiracy by the Apple cabal, led by Jobs' reanimated corpse, to bury your comments and keep The Truth away from HN.

Your comment being factually incorrect does not come into this issue at all.

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