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Can someone help explain what's going on here: \"([^\\\"]|\\.)\" [seen here in context](https://github.com/matz/streem/blob/master/src/lex.l#L49).

Now it seems to be finding literal strings (so "strings" e.t.c.). That would explain the literal double quotes on either side. so without that we get: ([^\\\"]|\\.) so zero or more repeating versions of [^\\\"]|\\.

What I don't understand is why there is the explicit or \\. construct there, as this seems unnecessary. Am I missing something? also, why does it seem that strings cannot have either literal \ or literal " in them?

Because if there's a \ you want to skip over the next character, even if it's a ", but if it's not escaped then you want " to be the end of the string.

You're completely right, I think I had read it as \. rather than \\. and thus didn't understand it. Thanks for helping me get it straight in my head.

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