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This is after they already built the Google private air terminal at SJC. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewstibbe/2013/05/06/googles...) (Will Air Force One will still be allowed to land at Moffett? That's where the President usually lands when traveling to Silicon Valley.)

This sort of corporate excess is usually viewed as a sell signal. Google's profit margin has been declining recently; the last quarter was the second worst in five years. (http://ycharts.com/companies/GOOG/profit_margin). Google's stock price has leveled off. Google isn't in trouble yet, but, despite major efforts, it's never been able to develop a significant source of revenue other than ads.

> it's never been able to develop a significant source of revenue other than ads.

And Microsoft hasn't been able to develop a significant source of revenue other than selling technology.

Google's ad revenue comes from a variety of products.

It goes to show how much Google is willing to spend on tech and research. Profits are important, yes, but in all honesty I don't wish to see Google prioritizes around Wall Street expectations and fade into irrelevance.

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