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http://yathletics.com - a men's activewear company that's going to make only one product per category.

I think apparel brands offer too many choices so I'm creating a brand that keeps it simple but at the same time invests in making very high quality products. For ex: the first product we launched is our athletic shirt - SilverAir. It's made using silver which kills the odor-causing bacteria in your sweat, so you can wear the shirt for the entire day and feel fresh, or reuse the shirt more often (i do).

The fabric is completely new and something we made from scratch. Without letting cost be a factor, we sourced some of the best yarns you can buy and achieved a feel that is super comfortable while being lightweight and breathable. To manufacture, we use seamless knitting machines so the body of the shirt does not have any stitches on it. (trust me, the silver is what sells but the most loved feature by our customers is the material and how you feel as if you're not wearing anything - in a good way)

This is awesome but why do you only target men?

1) I started building this out for myself and for some of my male friends who shared the same sentiment.

2) Men and women shop differently and I feel as if women want more choices so the model does not necessarily work for them. That said, I've received a lot of interest from women for the first product we launched so plans may change in the future.

Keep in mind that women buy a lot of clothes for men. So even if you're just making menswear, don't forget to target women in your marketing and research.

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