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From Bangalore too. Amateur programmer, but have a ton of experience and networks in a niche sector. I pull in decent amount of money in passive income.

(1) I would say focus first on value rather than money. I delivered my service for free or on trial basis for almost 6 months before clients signed up to pay.

(2) As a freelancer, focus on long-term retainer relationships, built on your value-proposition. And work with clients who have solid reliable cash flows. This way, your income would be guaranteed via 1-2 year contracts.

(3) Please stay away from consumer focused businesses/services if you are looking for small side income (this can be your focus for your big main start-up idea). B2B is always better. The only exception I think is if you get lucky in the app economy or if you could build 1m+ page-view site (Amit Agarwal)

What is "B2B"?

Business to Business; so when you sell your product/service to other companies instead of to individuals (which would be B2C; business to consumer).

Ah, I see... Thanks for the info!

In the future you can avoid downvotes by searching rather than asking HN for the answer to an easily google-able question.

Business to Business, so you may provide a service for businesses to interact or provide some value to each other etc.

Beef to Bun. It's a ratio used by burger connoisseurs to decide whether the burger maker is delivering decent value.

Business to Business (in contrast to Business to Customer)

Business to Business. Unlike B2C - Business to Consumer

business to business.

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