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It's easy to integrate with Backbone if you want for this kind of architecture, as it already implements events and stores. I've found it requires less boilerplate than the example in the repo.

I just wrapped up the initial version of a medium-size app using React. It was my first use of the library in production.

I had originally used Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection in conjunction with React. But after reading about Flux on the React blog and watching the video explanation back in May, it only took me a week to replace all of my Backbone models and collections with Flux singleton-stores. Coupled with Andrey Popp's react-router-component[0] (now replaced by rrouter[1], I think?), I was able to remove Backbone from the project entirely.

I think that Flux is more flexible than Backbone. I really like the ability for a store to take on characteristics of both models and collections. It is also easy to combine many different external resources to compose the "one true source" of a particular type of data for many different components. I don't feel any particular need to bring back a Backbone dependency in future React projects.

[0] https://github.com/andreypopp/react-router-component

[1] https://github.com/andreypopp/rrouter

First it was react-app-controller which was deprecated in favor of react-router-component which is now being deprecated in favor of rrouter.

At least Andrey add his reasoning for the latest deprecation in rrouter's documentation. Although the page regarding server-side regarding in the rrouter docs is empty :(

According to the docs "RRouter was developed to replace react-router-component and fix design flaws introduced by it." Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the npm community but is it typical to just rename projects once they introduce breaking changes?

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