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I throw every random information in an Evernote notebook. For more complex stuff, like what are my priorities this month, I draw a mindmap using MindNode. Also, I've got in a habit of reviewing all my important notes and trim them every month.

Finally, I put all the interesting web articles in Pocket, because I search them later.

I tried to make flashcards in Anki for random stuff, but it didn't work out.

hi, you do know that every single word you submit to the evernote service becomes their intellectual property and can be used without your consent, do you?

That's simply not true. In fact, it's explicitly excluded in the TOS.

So what exactly this means? "... This means that by using the Service and uploading Content, you grant Evernote a license to display, perform and distribute your Content..."

Source: https://evernote.com/legal/tos.php

You ignored the important qualifier at the end of the sentence: ...to enable Evernote to operate the Service.

And the preceding clause: In order to enable Evernote to operate the Service, we must obtain from you certain license and other rights to the Content you submit so that our processing, maintenance, storage, technical reproduction, back-up and distribution and related handling of your Content doesn’t infringe applicable copyright and other laws.

You can't read half of a line of a TOS and assume it means something separate from the totality.

exactly right. Under US copyright law, Evernote could be deemed to violate your exclusive right (as copyright holder of your content) to make copies whenever they made a backup. So to avoid any opportunist litigation, you grant them a limited licence to copy your work. The same goes for your right to display/perform.

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