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Very nicely produced article, i love the use of animated gifs that is becoming popular for tech demos.

I think it's odd, to be honest, given the existence of the html5 video tag. Of course, last time I checked, there wasn't a standardized video codec yet, which would make it tl;dr for authors.

gifs have the advantage of working on lower-resource devices (cellphones, netbooks) without any delay.

youtube and other "feature-rich" sites work only with massive stuttering for me, so I'm happy for any gif instead of a video which needs to be set up and torn down for every play.

The first gif on the page is more than 4MB.

You can do a lot better than animated gifs. No pausing or frame control, forget about audio, limited colour palette, painful to make...

If you cram megabytes of this stuff onto a single page, don't expect everyone to get the same framerate.

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