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I wish they didn't sell. Love the product, FB will ruin it.

Why do you love it? I'm honestly curious as to what it does that SMS, Messenger or other messaging apps don't do.

I get charged a fee per SMS, but I just need an internet connection with WhatsApp. Even when I'm abroad and I switch my SIM card to a different provider contacts can still reach me.

I can have group chats in WhatsApp and send video, images and sound. Plus I like how it lets me know if messages have been delivered. It's also fast and doesn't drain my battery mercilessly. The times I've tried Skype on my mobile device I can see my battery meter go down as I type.

But mostly I use it because all of the people I generally interact with in real life are on it. All of my family, friends and acquaintances use it.

"But mostly I use it because all of the people I generally interact with in real life are on it. All of my family, friends and acquaintances use it."

I like how you nailed the reason for Facebook buying WhatsApp.

It helps me keep in touch with people I really want to be in touch with: friends, family, co-workers, my soccer group.

It just works perfectly without ads, slowness, UI changes.

It's simple to use, my mom & dad uses it easily (>60).

It's cheaper than SMS for most people, and it's what everyone uses.

Why would they ruin it? They didn't ruin instagram. I'm not a fan of facebook but I don't agree here.

It just can't be the same under Facebook. It's a matter of time until my whatsapp entity and my Facebook entity (I don't have one today) will merge.

Same thing as Google tries to do with Youtube users. It just doesn't make sense to have two types of users in your system.

Did this happen to Instagram?

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