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I'm not getting paid as much as I would like. I've brought it up with my manager on multiple occasions. I'm now about 18 months with no raise, and I've been told that this round of performance reviews does not come with a raise either. But I'm constantly reminded of just how valuable I am to the company.

So, I've done what I think anyone else would do and have talked to someone at another company about another position. If I get an offer, I'm likely to take it. I'm highly unlikely at that point to accept a counteroffer.

It feels like I'd maintain a better relationship with my current employer by quitting for a better offer than by seeking and accepting a counteroffer and then leaving later.

Accepting a counteroffer would feel like the company would expect me to "owe" them, and I don't owe anything to any employer.

just out of curiosity, are you shopping around? Don't stop with just one offer—if you're going on the market, really go on the market. You might be surprised how effective that can be in getting what you're worth.

I have not been shopping around. I contacted one person out of curiosity, because I told myself I wasn't really looking. That's a fair point though.

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