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IMHO, The banning of "what have you tried", and the removal of "too localized" will lead to even more poor pedagogy.

The question to which the author links (2387218) is a perfect example of a wholly unresearched question, where the only possible valid answers are "RTFM/STFW" or "here's a fish".

This was the kind of thing that would have been deleted under "too localized" as it offers no benefit for future seekers of enlightenment.

I suppose it may be flagged for deletion according to this criterion:

> Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results.

but that doesn't quite seem to fit. The question is not "give me teh codez", but it does show that the asker has not attempted any solutions.

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