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Ask HN: What are shitty markets?
10 points by itry on Dec 9, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Everybody talks about being in the right market. Investing in the right market. Markets that are big and or will encounter rapid growth.

So maybe there are many small, stagnant markets that are ignored by investors and entrpreneurs?

Any ideas what examples of those shitty markets are?

Live video streaming sucks generally, because it's flashy and expensive to offer but almost no one really needs it. Static videos beat it 99.9% of the time. Until someone cracks the nut on live video and it becomes important...which may never happen.

Anything that's shrinking. Downloadable Windows Software to edit your photos.

Thats in fact one of the last markets I would like to work in :)

SOAP Web Services.

Flagged for being a potty mouth.

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