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This summer, I was working with a Harvard Computer Science student who also said "I don't care, I have nothing to hide." This worried me to no end, that extremely smart kids could be so naive like this.

I challenged him to send texts to one of his buddies, where he would simulate planning of a terrorist attack. He was going to, but then I stopped him, because I would have felt too guilty if he actually went through with it and got into trouble with the law, which I honestly believe he would have.

he being in a top university and not being too rich is already a sign that he plays by the rules. smart, not necessarily.

but the REAL reason not much people care, is because everyone have lives!

when was the last time you went to your town hall meeting? do you even do 1h of research before voting? or do you even vote? ...shit have to go really down until people even have any opinion.

Oh, lots of people have opinions. You don't need to do any research or bother yourself with facts or thinking to have an opinion. In fact, it's much easier to have one if you don't.

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