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>"The idea that schools might be places for nurturing critical thought, creativity, self-initiative or ability to learn on one’s own — the kinds of skills most needed for success in today’s economy — was the furthest thing from their minds. To them, willfulness was sinfulness, to be drilled or beaten out of children, not encouraged."

... Perhaps that's because you can teach discipline, but you can't teach creativity. You need both to be really successful, but to be at least moderately successful, you need at least discipline... No matter what you do, you can't take creativity away from the kids who are really creative...they will be off making things and designing things and writing things and painting things, because that's what they do... you can't stop them, even if you try.

If you teach discipline, you will end up with disciplined creatives and disciplined non-creatives...I can tell you as a person who was kind of a dumbass when I was at school (although a creative dumbass), that I got much more benefit from learning what little discipline they managed to impart than some fruitbat curriculum that tried to "encourage me to be creative"...which I probably would have responded to by intentionally being less creative.

...sometimes the people who designed the things around us are more clever than we give them credit for being...

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