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So this is inereating, except in the real world your parent process does more than the article implies. The big thing it is in charge of (and the thing that I have seen many of them get wrong) is (a) keeping the child processes running/restating them when they fail and (2) performing graceful config or code reload. The OS has no business doing the latter and would have a very hard time doing the former.

In fact I have seen issues where gunicorn failed miserably simply because it did not handle a bad import in a child process. Tornado as of the latest version I had used (2.0 I think) did not have any ability to check for dead child processes. I am sure there are more examples of this done wrong than right.

This is an interesting option for several use cases but you still need a parent process to monitor things. Perhaps at some point upstart or systemd will get good enough to monitor multiple processes per daemon in real time. Until then, meh.

Edit: actually, one cool thing you can do with this is code reloading. You simply have your parent process start more workers that attach to the same socket, then kill the old ones. That way the idea of code or config reloading doesn't need to be baked into every part of the worker.

> in the real world your parent process does more than the article implies […] keeping the child processes running/restating […] performing graceful config or code reload […]

The article suggests you let http://supervisord.org/ (or similar) take care of these things.

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